Good Morning to you too
Try coming at it from a different angle:-
Don't explain about how it works, that is pointless(hell do we even understand,lol), elaborate instead on the idea of being one's own bank for the first time in history and perhaps link this to financial Independence and (dare I go there) to who currently wastes trillions of dollars on military hardware only to profit the corporations and funds ALL major wars and currently manipulate the world economy via currency control weapons(such as HFT and derivatives, the Mum version might be a more simple, 'they're skimming the entire world's stocks and money supply off the top, including your retirement fund to help pay/profit from wars/buy more private islands/Picasso paintings and there is no other way to stop them, so get with it else your 401k will vaporize into thin air in order to make the super rich even richer')
2nd thing that was said to my (ex army) mate :
We are discussing socially engineered consent:-
Me: ' Don't look how people are as this is at the bottom level of understanding and a media control weapon to keep you thinking small minded and not understand events. Think the big ideas instead and not focus on the trivia such as the type of shoes someone is wearing but look over that to whats actually going on behind. (The Matrix with the 'bending spoon' not really existing is exactly that idea, most people miss the point though)
His reply: 'People in Russia are persecuted by Putin for being Gay'
(summed up my point perfectly without realising it)
Me: 'you just proved my point exactly, i.e. you are still focusing on the small irrelevant things, where do you get this information that gays are being persecuted?'
His reply: 'I watched a BBC documentary on about it'
Me: 'And you actually believe that?! Have you actually ever met a Russian to confirm this?'
Him : ' No, but its true, how could it be anything else, why would the BBC lie about this ?
Blah blah blah...
You get the idea
No use, Sub-Ether, her heart is solidly with the government. I think that people who come to this country and have to work to become a citizen of this country are often far more loyal to it than those born to it. On the other hand, I see myself as completely loyal, but to the constitution, not the bureaucracy.
And then, you have to think about this, she has only her pension. And here I come along and tell her that I don't think money will be worth anything anymore soon, LOL. Well, I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon, but it's being devaluated at an incredible rate. We no longer can eat what we used to, we pinch every penny and life is getting harder each day. My mom is lucky, she hardly eats anything anymore. That's a big expense she doesn't really feel.
Still, she is on Social Security now, and what I'm trying to tell her would ruin the foundation she so carefully set up to take care of herself in old age. I honestly hope nothing really bad happens before she dies. She deserves to live in comfortable security the rest of her days