A merchant manual (good name b.t.w.) is now one of the highest priorities this project should have IMO.
If you look at bitpay's integration page for subscribers it's the business (see below). Dash needs something like that as a front door. This is where Dash project can make huge gains from its bitcoin commercial compatibility.
For example, here is a top of the range (I already tried it) eCommerce back-end that thousands (if not millions) of small businesses are now using:
Here is bitpay's plugin for that facility:
It is piss-easy to add bitcoin as a payment method to your ECWID eCommerce site. It is a NIGHTMARE to add Paypal. The main reason for that is the complexity of all the counterparty interfaces (i.e. eCommerce --> Paypal --> Banking System --> Customer). Even once you've added it, you might not get paid because the customer might have a valid Paypal account but no money in their bank account. I can tell you, Paypal is dead meat. They must know it as well - it is the worst of both worlds (old banking world shoe-horned into an electronic platform).
Dash has a huge lead here from being able to lever all these cryptocurrency interfaces. IMO it should capitalise on that lead immediately to allow all Bitpay merchants who currently accept Bitcoin to accept Dash as well.
There is no other anonymous altcoin which is in this position.
To see all the possible eCommerce integrations which are open to Dash, go here: https://bitpay.com/integrations