Can we get an average bandwidth across all masternodes?
165 GB x 2519 MN.
That's a lot of data the network is moving around.
What's the average GB cost for the network?
165 GB x 2519 MN = 416 TB per month - Not so much.
"Cost" you mean in hosting data-centers?
Just as example-estimation - server from USA hosting-ptovider (un-managed):
Xeon 3220 2.4GHz Quad Core / 8GB / 2x500GB / 1Gbs / 100TB = $219
Yeah, hosting.
So the average cost of 416 TB / month is: (5 x $219) / 2519 = $0.43 / GB.
Apply a factor of 2 to remove economies of scale in your example, and the average network cost is between ~ $0.60 to $0.80 / GB.
You never converted TB to GB. Actual cost per GB is much lower.
Yeah, it sounded a bit high. So we are really talking pennies, or ~$10/month / MN
So, what's everyone paying per month?
This will be good for your chi:
This is a steal