Well,Its kinda hard to feel lucky to be in Dash when you look market,sure we're steady in utrend,but moving in only 3-4 shitcoin in a years give at least much more profit than keeping dash.
Its sincerely not an question of profit,but of
utility and visibility Why giving a chance to a shitcopycoin to go to the moon when it known it won't have the substain to keep it alive. I know alot of people in last years leaving crypto because of this....Giving too much visibility to shitcoin will just keep people 'average joe' in distance to all of this,no matter if there's 'one or two good coin' because the illogicaly of market to drive shit up.
This is sad seriously - for short term -
but Yes,when I read technically information about dash,I feel very lucky
I completely agree with you. Anyone making money on a pump is obviously taking it from someone else. Now, if it were a game between traders and only traders who know the risks were hurt, that'd be great, but unfortunately, it's usually joe public, who is checking out crypto currency for the first time that usually is hurt the most. Sure, people should only invest in what they understand, but frankly, the crypto scene is so full of static (hard to gather information).
Personally, I feel comfortable sitting on my DASH. It's like an investment where I am supporting a product that the development team is adding value to on a daily/weekly basis. I even get to watch them progress by participating in testnet. I can see what they're doing, how they're progressing and I feel good about my investment.
Also, trading just scares the sh*t out of me!