Despite vertoe's brilliant contribution to the project, the way he left shows his real character, hidden behind an anonymous internet nickname.
Evan Duffield is public.
Actions speak louder than words.
Funny how you never had a problem wiith his non-public persona until he spoke out about the problems scams with DRK / DASH.
Anyone with half a brain can see your agenda.
No, see, you have no clue what you're talking about. And you are twisting arguments around.
I have absolutely no problem with anyone wanting to remain anonymous. But when vertoe left, he did so with retaliation. He shut down the few and only things he had control over. His websites (fair enough), dumped is coins (his own business), but mainly, he shut down transifex account. A minor ordeal to the project, but speak volumes. It was the only thing he had control over. I am very glad he had no more "powers"
He speaks of centralisation, hierarchy, freedom fighting etc, but acted it the total opposite from the ethos it entails.
Get your facts straight, kid.
If you got fucked over by EVAN after putting in a tremendous amount of hard work into the project I wonder how helpful you would be during your exit son?