So I did some research on decentralization. My starting point was Wikipedia, That page has a very good description right at the beginning that I want to paste for you. 'A centralised system is one in which a
central controller exercises control over the
lower-level components of the system directly or through the use of a power hierarchy (such as instructing a middle level component to instruct a lower level component).' Doesn't that sound like MasterNodes?
I know your answer is going to be that MasterNodes don't 'exercise control' but they do. You've just said that they are going to influence performance, which is exercising control. And we definitely know that they act on behalf of Dash users when they are mixing. By that definition the Dash network is 'centralized' and I don't think it's right to argue it any other way.
The Wikipedia article continues, and I think its important to go over some of the sentences and contrast it with Dash and Bitcoin/Monero, because this is a Dash vs Monero thread.
'A decentralised system, on the other hand, is one in which complex behaviour emerges through the work of
lower level components operating on local information, not the instructions of any commanding influence.'
In Dash the lower level components (nodes) don't operate on local information. They rely on the MasterNodes to exert control and provide information and provide structure.
'This form of control is known as distributed control, or control in which
each component of the system is equally responsible for contributing to the global, complex behaviour by acting on local information in the appropriate manner.'
This is the clearest indication, for me, where we see that Dash is centralized. The components in Dash are not equal. MasterNodes have way more power than ordinary nodes, and that means they are controlling things.
There are other excellent points in that Wikipedia article but I think the point is clear, and that is that Dash is centralized, Bitcoin and Monero are not.
LOL, I swear some of these people have the IQ of dog food. This is pure idiot-babble.
Masternodes are the only credibly decentralised infrastructure model in crypto.