XxDotRpSDzgyAkx3jHkLZD8YYZRwbcjmmA : getting unpaid blocks with unknown masternode version
XkETHbymbZgkpjHG3f4Ad8osWg3XkPta5L : paying 20% with masternode version
coinminepl : paying the required 37.5% with unknown masternode version
my pool (coinmine.pl) has upgraded wallet to latest version - it happens from time to time that masternode payment is not to the latest version...
sorry feeleep, i updated my post as i noticed that the records sometimes show unknown masternode version and other times v0.11.1.19+
but in both cases they do show yr paying the full 37.5%
it may be that drk.mn recognize it wrongly... anyway - I am open to help if I can