After seeing the effort that went into the Bitcoin Rush video and reading people's reactions here, I wanted to share my feelings on the aspect of promoting Darkcoin's anonymity/privacy.
I don't think the "window curtains" angle is the proper way to distinguish DRK. That still comes across as another way of saying DRK can be used for nefarious purposes. While the concept itself is definitely valid (and appreciated), we must remember that we are promoting a CURRENCY, not a method of concealing identity.
Given the current state of society, I can understand the reason most would instinctively look at this from the perspective of "taking back our financial privacy," but really the strongest way to argue this is not to acknowledge that it can be taken away at all. Currency is one of those sacred things that every person should be able to use freely and confidently no matter what. By arguing from the defensive angle, you are granting that "money trail" type of law enforcement detective work is acceptable in the first place. It is not.
This issue is not dissimilar to the one of mass surveillance. When people are constantly worrying about saying the wrong thing and getting "targeted," their productivity, creativity and freedom suffers. Free speech is a right, and an assumption of privacy should always exist. How did they catch bad guys before telephones and computers? Oh yeah, they had to do real work. The exact same thing goes for currency.
So my vote for Darkcoin promotion is to stick with the economic fundamentals. Bitcoin is an almost perfect world currency but it lacks privacy. Why is that important? Because it affects FUNGIBILITY. When people are afraid to spend or accept it, it doesn't get used freely and productivity suffers.
What image does a duffel bag full of hundred dollar bills conjure? It probably looks like "drug money" or "blood money" or something BAD to most people. Do shop keepers question your credit card as much as they do your hundred dollar bill?
What about those bitcoins Coinbase identified as being connected to gambling, or those identified as part of SR or some other negatively portrayed activity. I is theoretically possible that governments could coerce the mining pools into making sure those particular coins are not spendable. In the meantime, how can normal honest people be fully confident in accepting a currency which could potentially get confiscated, devalued, or even implicate them in the future as suspects in crimes which they are in no way connected to?
A truly fungible currency means that everybody will confidently accept it without hesitation. When every single coin is anonymous, they are equal. That's the real potential of Darkcoin, as I see it.
While Bitcoin gives us nothing to doubt about the coin's validity (cannot be faked, decentralized, value comes from powerful mining effort, no charge-backs, no double-spends, etc.), Darkcoin goes one step further and gives us nothing to fear.
TL;DR --
Promoting DRK's anonymity feature as closed doors/windows/etc to keep things private still invites the falicious "you should have nothing to hide" argument.
Privacy is an inherant component of any truly fungible currency. Promote the fungibility and people will simply use it, no questions asked--and none needed!
(sorry for the long first post. I've been lurking here since page 1000 and finally just registered so I can contribute)
interesting point of view!
Bridgewater, welcome to the thread