His DRK proposition is that I find an exploit for DRK that he can have tested with other resources he has hired elsewhere.
If it test out he will pay me 50BTC. He has been spot on paying me so I have no doubts he will.
My Monero deal with him expires on December 20th so until then I will not post about or bother Monero.
Considering DRK is open source and I am not going to be the one to attack it there is nothing nefarious going on.
I can promise you this though, I will find an exploit.
This coin is way too sophisticated and smooth to NOT have an exploit.
Why don't you just go and fuck yourself?
Neither Evan nor XMR will fall for your scammy little bullshit.
First of all you are too retarded to find exploits and even if some other idiot sells you one it can be fixed anyway.
It has a reason tons of people found Bitcoin CVE's but you aren't one of them.
I wonder who bought your account, as you talk even more shit than years ago.
Sorry for getting offtopic here.
I don't know what to believe at this point but antagonizing someone that may or may not be able to do harm is never a good thing.
Just saying. No disrespect to you othe. I'm just not as sure as you that BCX isn't capable of doing the things they say. I'd rather err on the side of caution than get caught naked in the rain.