"masternode count" with gives you the current number of 10.15.13 Masternodes, but the number isn't reliable right know because some of them (ALL of mine ) have the issue to temporarily go inactive and you have to give them a loving kick in the nuts from time to time. (which I also monitor) is COMPLETELY confused, some Masternodes show up there, some not, some temporarily, and of course the Masternodes.
This will become better when more Masternodes and pools have updated, I hope it will not last TOO long...
BTW, drk.mn still uses the old version, therefore the numbers are wrong.
On occasion since there needs to be consensus on the network, your masternode will need to be restarted. As more and more of the network goes Onyx, there will be far more consistent consensus. On your remote daemon, do ./darkcoind stop, wait like 3-5 minutes before running ./darkcoind again. Then on local, initiate the masternode start command. Then back at remote, grep your ip and see if you are 1.