I'm speaking from a utility viewpoint, not a trader viewpoint.
People don't understand what DRK is. People don't understand what MNs can do for them and why it's worth paying a tiny amount of money for.
People don't believe what the government and ISPs are doing to spy on them and control them. They write it off as tinfoil hat, when the stuff we called people crazy for back in the 60s and 70s is not only come to pass, but small time compared to what is actually being done right this moment.
Even if they did understand, they're barely capable of turning their computers on, much less taking charge of their own lives... You can give a man a tool chest, but that doesn't make him able to use them or willing to learn.
The Huxlian begets the Orwellian. They WANT to be slaves.
I understand you really, you're right. They are like ooh NSA, okay that's not important. What DRK can do for one is just amazing, once they realize this everything will change here. MNs, Dark Tor.. the amount of possibilities is just endless.
But will they have voted to make it illegal before they are exposed to enough reality to learn the lesson? This is how so-called "First World" falls apart. They become too insulated from reality and vote to defy reality. They get left behind because they vote to insulate themselves so much, that they have lost all grip on reality. When their bubble bursts under it's own weight, none are mentally equipped to deal with reality or even perceive it accurately. They become so horribly detached in their Huxlian dream world that they see reality as the dream world. Everything is backwards in their heads. Then, they need the Orwellian just to keep them alive, and beg for slavery. They can't survive without it. What 1% can carry the burden of that 99%? None. It falls apart and the 99% continue to complain about that which is exclusively and entirely their own damn fault.
How far along are we? The US Federal Deficit is so huge, that even if we had a new Soviet Revolution, as the Occupiers want... Even if we killed everyone who makes over $300,000 a year, and disbanded and seized all the assets of every corporation; it still wouldn't pay for even 1 year of the current spending on entitlements and handouts. And where would they spend the handouts with no more Super Wal Mart to take care of them?
We hear about Social Security going bankrupt, but when will Food Stamps go bankrupt? When will cash-for-babies go bankrupt? When will paying all your bills for you just cuz you voted a certain way go bankrupt? Social Security is a real program that each individual pays into and then takes back out of. All this other shit is stolen at gunpoint from useful people, and handed out to lazy, stupid shitbags.
DRK is for those of us who realize that the handbasket is getting quite warm, and would like to get out now... Will the 99% vote to force us back into the handbasket? You know, we're all just crazy for seeing the obvious...