Hey buddy, I don't know what your problem is but I told you I don't have an account on darkcointalk and I don't have the need or desire to create one. Nobody has to conform to your way and where they post the issues they are having. I have no interest in complying with your request. You start calling people liars then you can go to hell. I already posted all the sit in this thread but I'll do it again since you are obviously unable to read a couple pages back. Did I just make your day too?
My problem is that this thread is so busy that people's bugs/issues can be lost several pages back and that the only reliable way to get a problem fixed is to follow the formal approach to report a bug.
There have been some people posting lies on this thread recently, yes. I did not say who and I certainly did not intend to imply that you were one of those people. I have re-read my posts and apologised for my tone and for offending anybody.
You really did make me laugh by saying "eat shit cuntbucket". I wasn't being sarcastic. I have a puerile sense of humour.
No your problem is that you don't want people to hear about these bugs with RC4. Nobody but the cheerleaders go to darkcointalk, everyone else comes here. You guys want to paint a picture of a perfect RC4 rollout. Well it doesn't exist. There are problems and the fact that they are random and occur on different platforms makes them even more problematic. Who know what else is waiting to happen and when. This isn't testnet anymore. People are going to update and have real money at stake. Yet there isn't any official information or assistance being given out on this forum with the most traffic. Go back to your utopia on darkcointalk and talk about how everything is great and working perfectly while the majority of people see whats actually going on. The market knows what's going on that's for sure.
The problems are expected and being dealt with. What planet are you living on.
What planet do you think?
I never said that the problems weren't being addressed. I said you guys are trying to sweep everything under the rug and hide it from people. What else to you call trying to get people to not post bug issues on this forum? The forum that gets the most views. That one clown even came out and basically said it doesn't look good and wants to hide everything so he's almost begging people to only post on darkcointalk where nobody goes.
"You guys want to paint a picture of a perfect RC4 rollout. Well it doesn't exist. There are problems and the fact that they are random and occur on different platforms makes them even more problematic. Who know what else is waiting to happen and when. This isn't testnet anymore."
You were talking like everyone was trying to cover up problems, no they aren't, they are just trying their best to help people who are acting like 10 year olds when a bug comes up. No one is trying to say RC4 is perfect, its getting there, as expected. Theres no shame in bugs being investigated and fixed. I agree, the people acting like there is shame in that, should stop worrying so much.