I think it has legs
Investments only have "legs" because they do useful work. They don't have legs just by holding.
One half (50%) of Dash's supply goes to the drain. That is to say it is spent on a network resource that does no work, or at least work that costs only around 2% of the Dash budget that's spent on it.
When you deposit your money in a bank you earn interest on it (or used to). But that interest did not simply accrue by virtue of your money sitting there. Somebody had to "put it to work" which is very difficult. They had to find companies actually produced goods and services that people want. Those companies had to be profitable. That profit had to be sustainable.
Only after all that evolutionary effort and growth was there any interest to be had on a bank deposit. While cryptos are synthetic assets, they still have to have a genuine economic basis for their returns. You can't simply "divert" the mining supply to large holders and pretend it's an analogue of the legacy banking system when those investments aren't doing any measurable work.
Dash masternodes are good, but the quantity of core coin emission they draw is simply ridiculous. Half of the entire supply - for what ? A node ? That barely needs to spend any money to keep the network going ? Look how Doge p*ssed all over us because of this zealotry.
It makes us un-investible even for masternode buyers. We're only investible for bitcoin buyers who want to use alts as a pump & dump proxy to get more bitcoin at the moment.
We'll never be competitive with the reward ratio crippling Dash's mining market to such an extent while monetary velocity is so low. We need to set the operating profits at near parity for miners and masternodes for a start. That will at least make us competitive again with our commercial peers (in the mining sector).
Only then can we start to promote features which will put us ahead of our peers.
Do this calculation. Compare it with Litecoin. Litecoin spends nothing on its nodes. But what monetary velocity does it get for that "nothing" expenditure ? I haven't done that calculation because you need to multiply the daily transaction count by the value of each transaction to get it and I haven't done that. Has DCG done that ? Have they produced any figures to justify spending half the entire coin supply on such a cheap resource ?
No. Of course they haven't because if they had done that the conclusion would have been that we'd have had to drastically move the slider in favour of miners to make Dash competitive again and that would not get past the MN voting system that is currently killing this coin because it would require turkeys to vote or christmas.
Masternode voting system is strangling this coin by preserving the elephant in the room at the moment and we need to find a way out of it as it has much potential if its ongoing emission isn't drained in such an unproductive way.