Please repost ! (as long as it takes) ….>>
Are you serious? Did you even stop and think about what you were doing before you made this post? A picture of a terrorist with a gun? Really? Do you think this is funny? You ass wipes have been threatening people and now you post this shit? I have buddies that died on foreign soil fighting scumbag terrorists like this guy. You make me sick.
First a cop now a terrorist. Well we finally see what the Darkcoin community is all about. Your true colors are in full display.
I'm going to mine on the non-compliant pools and feel good about not letting you extortionists steal 20% of my mining proceeds. Then I'm going to sell it and use the proceeds to buy cryptonote coins that offer anonymity without this bullshit masternode network that taxes the poor and gives to the rich.
Some guy posted some pages back about making 1 btc a week running his masternodes. How many miners even get a fraction of 1 btc a week mining darkcoin? Yet these same miners are now being forced to give up 20% of what they mine so some guy with 50,000 DRK can make a btc a week while they likely don't even break even. This entire masternode tax is nothing more than a scheme that allows the rich to get richer while the miners get screwed. And don't give me that argument about the price increasing and it will help the miners. Guys are making btc running masternodes and the price of Darkcoin keeps going down. What a joke.
I would have left this thread alone but when some jackass posts a picture of a terrorist with the words "Do it now or we have to come over there" there is no way I'm going to just sit back. I saw the rubble of the Twin Towers in Manhattan a month after they came over here.
Anyone wanting to boycott the 20% tax taken from the poor and given to the rich please use the following pools listed below.
Last EDIT: July 12th
These are the major pools that pay 20% more DRK