No, a sociopath has a tendancy to seek it's own made-up revenge... I can't empathize with people who expect me to be as stupid and backwards as they are, and get violent when I refuse to join their masochism. How dare I not flatter them with imitation...
I seek no revenge. They do far more harm to themselves than I ever could... If I were somehow inclined to do harm to others as they do to each other while labeling me the screwed-up one...
I just wanted to get out of the handbasket because it was getting awfully warm. So I did. There's really nothing more to say about it than that... Unless you're trying to compensate with insults... Then you might have a lot to say. Probably give up on lucid argument altogether and just start name-calling, or maybe even create a government and hire it to enact violence upon anyone who isn't exactly like you are while pretending to be civilized and decent... Same old shit, different sheeple... Damn dirty apes, the lot.
Not trying to insult you camosoul. I think you are being overly harsh on "stupid and backwards" people. Secondly, the label thing - I'm sorry. No insult intended. The label carries baggage, but for me it does not because I think I'm borderline sociopathic sometimes. It's just an inability to quickly feel the pain of others. If one is aware of it then one can deal with it.
I took no insult from anything you said. I just put a finer point on it.
It's not that I don't care... It's that I can't allow it. I've seen so much amazing stupidity of people inflicting hurt upon each other, acting like they have no idea... When they do it to me, that's where I draw the line. Then they play like they're the victim and call names... Whatever. Typical liberal entitlement mindset. Lash out, pretend that they didn't, blame the one who dares to defend himself, blah blah blah... Same old shit.
I simply cannot waste any more of my life "empathizing" with people who are too stupid and arrogant to realize and admit that they're just stabbing each other in the face with rusty forks... This is "society," what a fuckin' joke... It's like a race to the bottom to see who can be the dumbest while blaming everyone but themselves... Yeah, I'm the one who's screwed up. Sure... I don't want to "be friends" with people who are so fucking dumb and arrogant that they cross the line into being violently self-destructive, while giving me shit for refusing to join in... This is how you know a society has fallen off the cliff and is merely waiting for the impact... Stupid, proud of it, and violently hateful towards anyone who sees that as a bad thing is the new "socially acceptable."
I celebrate the pain of others when it comes from being stupid. Pain is an opportunity to learn for those who can't figure it out any other way. I often choose it deliberately to make learning into a complete understanding. Sometimes I desire total and complete understanding of a subject. Sure, I can open a book and learn. But sometimes totality of understanding can only be truly met by doing something the hard way. To say it another way, fancy book learnin' is just the tip of the iceburg compared to real, hands-on experience. Academics are fucking clueless. I have no pity for those who meet the ultimate teacher and still REFUSE to learn. One cannot be so dumb that they are unable to learn from pain. Only arrogant and stubborn enough to REFUSE understanding. Disdain for truth and understanding is sick. To harbor it to such an extreme is worthy of repeated suffering, and conveniently, that's what they'll get...
This is why I feel society needs more violence. If you might get your face busted for being a dickhead, you think about it a little more... This wimpy anyone can think anything they want and shove it down your throat crap runs rampant because nobody is forced to think about it long and hard anymore... There's no consequence for being wrong. Facts have disappeared. Everything is an opinion and you're entitled to it no matter how fucking wrong and harmful to others it may be. People like that only learn the hard way, if they learn at all. If they had to endure a severe beating for it, they might start to re-think their idiocy and the world would become a better place for it. It's the same premise as an armed society being a polite society... You're nice to people if you have reason to believe that you might get shot if you're an asshole... Enlightened people understand the concept of common decency, and don't need the threat of violence. But not everyone is so enlightened... The stupid don't even realize they're neglecting it... But a swift kick in the teeth learn em' if they can't/won't figure it out any other way. They kill their own kids just to get free stuff, then they blame everyone but themselves... You can't talk reason to people like that.