everybody should read this
You know, I don't mind the idea of ASICs but if the manufacturers and all the middle men are using them before they go out to the consumers to rape a coin, and there is no way to keep that from happening, then I'm all for having a policy of changing algorithms the moment an ASIC is announced. Of course there are only so many proven algorithms... so I'm not sure how that could work. But if it's done often enough (say as long as it would normally take to manufacture a new ASIC), then I'd bet the first time it happens and the manufacturers / middle men lost all their money, the threat would be very well diminished. Actually, we probably need something that can be changed in such a way that the ASICs can not predict, but perhaps the algorithm can change in such a way an infinite number of times, and all it requires is hard coded in the coin (so no forks) yet is random. But I know nothing of these things, so this may not be possible, and have an ASIC that can't follow, so???