The demand of anynomous and privacy coins are high now. Dash and Monero are going up in value at the same time. Both coins got a very strong belief among the community members.
Anyone who uses dash for privacy is either ignorant or stupid. This is only proof that most speculators won't research beyond the announcement page and are more than happy to play fool in a game of greater fool. Sooner or later there will be a
reckoning REKToning and the market will wise up faster than dashtards can pile their bs.
Dash is already in a failure mode because its PoW incentives are being cannibalized by overpaid Masternode PoS and the scam-funding so-called Dev Fund.;dr BITMAIN #REKT DASH -- thanks to Dash's shitty homespun X11 algo it takes 400% more $$$ to produce the same amount of PoW security as Bitcoin's SHA2We need smooth and amino to figure out if this problem applies to all PoW/PoS hybrids, or it depends on specific stake vs work vs devfund weights/threshholds.
Let's hope this
Inverse Marginal Security Profitability Crisis kills the Dash scam but leaves our good friends at Decred alone!
Woohooo!!! our favorite long time Trollero troll is alive!!!!!!! Man you had us worried...welcome back trusty troll! I'm really REALLY hope there isn't anyone out there that listened to you and took your HORRIBLE advise and didn't buy DASH since it was like $25.00.
Meanwhile...I for one didn't take your advise back many years back...stayed the course and now my masternodes are paying some SERIOUS BANK now...I mean serious bank. LOL.
In fact...I have a lot to thank you does my new wheels I have coming(ill give ya a hint its red). It was because to the toxic and absolute lack of any respect or professionalism of the Trollero minions that kept me here!
Thank you Icey....I mean I really thank you, goofypony, adam white and all the douche bags for being so douchie and keeping me here and staying invested in DASH since 2014. I owe you guys...
Calling a scam a scam is a thankless task until the scam collapses, then it suddenly ends in tears and the whistleblower gets to say I Told You So.
It was true for the Madoff Ponzi and its whistleblower Harry Markopolos just as it will be true for the Duffield Ponzi and all of us who keep the spotlight shining on Dash's Instamine, centralization, spork backdoor, etc.
It's unbecoming for a grown man of your advanced age (not to mention advanced obesity) to put on a Dash cheerleading outfit and wave the pom-poms around for an instamined shitcoin. You should be showing leadership in the Dash community and have another go at getting the PrivateSend Bug Bounty funded (sorry it failed LOL).
Here's what I think about your happy talk and Pollyanna refusal to address the tough questions about Dash's past (instamine), present (Shrem debit fiasco/mining crisis), and future (where are Evolution and the DIPs?)....
"Oh, my sweet summer child," Old Nan said quietly, "what do you know of fear?
Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet
deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long
night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children
are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and
hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods."