Once I had thought, it would be nice
"if there is rcp command to see whois masternode payee of current block"Today I have found how to get.
It's already there. no special rcp command needed.
test from testnet
darkcoind getblockcount | xargs darkcoind getblockhash | xargs darkcoind getblock
"hash" : "00000000872761db459d3cdb7dadd183bafc052ec3f432d02d7b4742979b7e92",
"confirmations" : 1,
"size" : 394,
"height" : 14496,
"version" : 2,
"merkleroot" : "3d28a066e97574188e10f27cfc0bfbe91d0d39ca56507a47a8bfca776551ff5d",
"tx" : [
"time" : 1401982098,
"nonce" : 5783647,
"bits" : "1d01e59b",
"difficulty" : 0.52716889,
"previousblockhash" : "00000000f5fcba2074957bfd98aeb12cab4b79df340b6bebfb35f12f4631d12c"
darkcoind getrawtransaction 3d28a066e97574188e10f27cfc0bfbe91d0d39ca56507a47a8bfca776551ff5d 1
"hex" : "01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fffff fff2902a038062f503253482f049f8c905308f800000efc000000102f7374726174756d2d736572 7665722f000000000200a7a924030000001976a9143d74a9ccac3688cffbd0e93c3cd94e5131c3f 4a188ac002f6859000000001976a9148da5005f4efa2385c50fcfaac37473b3def8514388ac0000 0000",
"txid" : "3d28a066e97574188e10f27cfc0bfbe91d0d39ca56507a47a8bfca776551ff5d",
"version" : 1,
"locktime" : 0,
"vin" : [
"coinbase" : "02a038062f503253482f049f8c905308f800000efc000000102f7374726174756d2d73657276657 22f",
"sequence" : 0
"vout" : [
"value" : 135.00000000,
"n" : 0,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 3d74a9ccac3688cffbd0e93c3cd94e5131c3f4a1 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex" : "76a9143d74a9ccac3688cffbd0e93c3cd94e5131c3f4a188ac",
"reqSigs" : 1,
"type" : "pubkeyhash",
"addresses" : [
"value" : 15.00000000,
"n" : 1,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 8da5005f4efa2385c50fcfaac37473b3def85143 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex" : "76a9148da5005f4efa2385c50fcfaac37473b3def8514388ac",
"reqSigs" : 1,
"type" : "pubkeyhash",
"addresses" : [
"blockhash" : "00000000872761db459d3cdb7dadd183bafc052ec3f432d02d7b4742979b7e92",
"confirmations" : 1,
"time" : 1401982098,
"blocktime" : 1401982098
You see what you know. LOL..