multiple tickets for MN......getting a few more while they're cheap off the ATH.
1. Reduces the number of MNs, which decreases resiliency.
2. If the MN with the huge pot in it gets compromised, the whole pot is gone.
3. If gov't infiltrated the large pot MN, you will have a compromised coinjoin service. i.e. This is back to the centralised coinjoin problem again.
Personally I prefer the security (real or imagined, because if you have 2FA, good password / air gapped ssh key, all ports except 9999 closed, disabled root access and only ssh access from specified IPs, and most importantly a strong wallet password, nobody can steal your DRK) of several MNs vs. just one, but I don't think giving people the choice is the end of the world - it may even lead to more MNs as you now only have to pay for a single server, not two or three or twenty seven...