On the other hand, I hold a lot of drk and I just cant bring myself to sell high to buy lower, it just doesn't feel right to me. It makes me feel like I am doing a disservice to the coin. I know is silly because I could easily crash the market to buy lower but it makes me feel like I would be hurting something I believe in. I think I am too idealistic to trade so I am in long-term.
Question you have to ask are the other bag holders just as idealistic?
I think most people that were here before the last pump wanna see the project succeed long-term. They are all still supporting the coin not one old timer bailed, but not because we are loyal to the point of hurting ourselves but because the drk holder tends to be smart and more mature and can recognize talent and potential. I could not get myself to invest in shitcoin 1000 with an anonymous dev and false promises of miraculous overnight solutions, I am too old for that shit. I would much rather support this coin, help anyway I can and see where it goes, because its real and the people here are of good quality.
Well if the holders are smarter and more mature wouldn't they be the best able to short sell and then buy back in when the price drops? I'm not saying they will abandon the coin long term, just for a while. :p
You're misusing the phrase short sell...
Okay, sell and re-buy cheaper over the next few days
If we all did that we risk hurting the coin for real, so some of us must hold. I am really not interested in these short term swings I will just buy as much as I can with fiat.