Which leads to FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt), a trolls best-used weapon on forums like these.
Trying to spread fud is of course a bit difficult, when most of the forum you are trying to troll has you on ignore.
So Icetroll is trying to reach those new members that dont know about his troll reputation yet, and tries to influence them.
To the new users :
Yes, Dash is not perfect yet
Yes, there are still bugs found and fixed in the code, as with any cryptocurrency that is an ongoing process
Yes, certain elements of Dash technology can be disabled through sporks (InstantSend for example), when a problem arises
(i actually prefer this methode over having to issue a hotfix that all users / merchants / masternode owners and miners need to implement in a short time frame, risking a fork of the network)
No, Dash is not hampered by its Instamine that happened more then 3 years ago, the Dash community simply moved on
No, Dash privacy technology has never been broken, when mixed properly by using high number of rounds and by following best practices as described here : https://www.dashforcenews.com/privatesend-best-practices/
No, Dash will never let go of its low fees in order to function as pure peer-peer instantly-settled cheap transaction provider. If the need arises the fees can easily be adjusted in the code
No, Dash is currently not completely up to date with Bitcoin and never will be. Each Bitcoin update needs to be valuated to see if it contributes to keeping Dash compatible with Bitcoin and if its
desirable to include into the Dash code (as Bitcoin is moving more towards implementing an offchain solution through Lightning Network and Dash is moving towards onchain solution by upscaling its network through
advanced hardware, the evaluation and selection of which Bitcoin updates need to be implemented into Dash code will only increase). Also keep in mind that some of Bitcoin updates that are focussed
on fixing its full blocks problem, does not necessarily need to be implemented for Dash as Dash has no full blocks problem and uses the onchain solution for upscaling.
What Dash hopes to fix from Bitcoin is the following :
Mainstream adaption through the use of its 2-tier network, by using Dash as a platform on which other services can run. Services like :
* InstantSend (fixes the long confirmation time that other cryptocurrency have with regards to transactions). InstantSend is currently disabled through spork because of some bugs, but will be activated with next update
* PrivacySend (fixes the traceability of transactions on an open ledger)
* Dash Evolution (fixes the dependance on centralized api by having a decentralized api running across its whole platform and also fix the user-unfriendly wallets that Bitcoin introduced)
* Masternodes (fixes the eventual decline of full nodes, by rewarding masternode owners for running and maintaining a full node which provides services to the network)
* Proof of Work & Proof of Service & Decentralized Budget and Governance (fixes the whole blockreward going only to miners, in Dash it goes to both miners 45%, masternodes 45% and budget 10% which provides both a
stronger network, decentralized governance and independant funding for Dash)
* Onchain scalability (fixes the dependance on offchain services that could make the fees much higher and could cause centralization. Dash will upscale its network though optimizing its hardware and introducing
advanced hardware later on, all running on the blockchain / onchain)
* DAO's (Decentralized Autonomous Organisations) : for example Dash Core Team, Dash Force News and DashLabs. These DAO's and future DAO's expand the Dash network and its eco-system, but can also be held
accountable. The DAO is much less the case with Bitcoin, which is depending on donations through its Foundation and is severly influenced by many of its developers working for and receiving funding directly from
a centralized company (Blockstream).