#Update to beta if required
From root:
cd .darkcoin
./darkcoind stop
wget http://darkcoin.io/downloads/rc/darkcoind
ls -la darkcoind.1
chmod 755 darkcoind.1
./darkcoind.1 --help
mv darkcoind darkcoind.old
mv darkcoind.1 darkcoind
./darkcoind masternode start `head -1`
This tip costs a cup of coffee: XcsTr8q7xmwkkPLe7wYdeEbh28Hsy2GJdx
if works np
let u know in the afternoon.
Ozzi I did these steps:
stopped darkcoind
deleted folders from .darkcoin
Started darkcoind -reindex
and here we go...no more stucks
didn't followed your steps but will send you for small coffee for your help anyway
Running a service daemon as root really isn't good practice. Especially with 755 permissions. Create a user darkcoind to run the darkcoind. And chmod everything to 500/700...