The four most expensive words in the English language are "this time it’s different."
How about "This time it's exactly the same as BTCs and LTCs first real notice."
Precisely. Best to study old LTC charts. Funny thing is, I was posting about how high it could go this morning. Obviously Darkcoin is only to be used for legal purchases. (Disclaimer) Anyway, as it is relevant I will repost what I was sharing with a private group I run. Clearly this is speculation and not investment advice. I have been mining and recommending DRK since the start, at least that people should do the research on it and make their own calls. I do not sell it, I gather more, that is something I have been very happy with however.
(repost from my group)
How high can Darkcoin go? It is really about the marketplace creating demand over time, beyond just speculation. The marketplace is not Amazon or even Overstock, it is the Darknet and we all know it. (or should) Countless millions are spent on the Darknet all the time, nobody knows exactly how much, but it is vast.
The crypto most used is Bitcoin which is not anonymous, and even with Dark Wallet it isn't as good at it as Darkcoin is. If people are buying something harmless and legal, this should be fine. If they are buying Marijuana (or other things) which are still illegal in most locations, they might really want to stay as anonymous as possible. Dark Markets appear to be in progress that will accept Darkcoin. Of course they also will accept Bitcoin. So once those are operational it will be very interesting to see what people decide to use. The riskier crypto, or the more private one?
Given the choice for consumers between a much faster more anonymous currency, or a slower easier to trace crypto like BTC, under extreme scrutiny, I think Darkcoin has a good shot. So, how high can Darkcoin go if it actually wins market share? Nobody can be sure, but assuming it gains the market cap of Litecoin, eventually, around $70 a coin. Assuming it starts approaching Bitcoin or "takes over" as the preferred Darknet Crypto, DRK could be worth hundreds a coin!
Without the Marketplace and real world adoption this is all just pure speculation however. So take it at only that. What we know for certain is the tech is sound and built from the ground up with proven technologies that are extremely reliable. The dev team is also one of the best. Most traders I know, that know cryptos, consider DRK one of the only Alts worth investing in.
What about Zerocash, will it be the preferred Darknet Crypto? Various alts? Hard to say, but they won't be the first. As they are experimental it will be some time before they are able to try to challenge Darkcoin (or Bitcoin). Assuming the markets are taking DRK in the future and people are satisfied, newer anon Alts may just like regular Alts today trying to take on Bitcoin. Perhaps with the key difference being something akin to Satoshi never quitting on Bitcoin, and gathering a team of the best to keep working on it full time, improving Bitcoin constantly to keep ahead.
BCN is really old and anon based. Also this coin is super pumped, in my opinion it will crash. Of course the technology is good, just like the BC technology was good, but look what happened. Sudden prince ranges are just not substainable. Lets see what the new levels are after a couple hours. Its just my opinion tho, im gonna remain calm.