More than that. Here's 4 things to chew on (and why this isn't a pump). I only got into DRK a few weeks ago, but it's one of the few coins I bought in on fundamentals as opposed to pump and dump. Here we go:
[1] - technology. The trustless anonymity thing is a genuine breakthrough that doesn't come easy. It puts DRK in a class way out on it's own on genuine originality.
[2] - strategic value. What this means is that it's not only of value to the DRK economy. It's of value to the rest of the cryptocurrency economy as well. i.e. it can service anonymity requirements of other cryptocurrencies because one can purchase DRK with a load of Bitcoin for example, carry out 1 DRK transaction to wipe tracks, then cash back out to Bitcoin and that's you broken your trail in the Bitcoin blockchain courtesy of DRK.
[3] - coin supply. Following from point [2], DRK's low coin supply does not inhibit its ability to provide this service to other coins. It's just a question of exchange rate. But the low supply means the price is high. For example, if DRK were to equal LTD in market cap it would have a price of 0.16 BTC (~ 6-7 times Litecoin's price). As it is I think DRK is actually a more valuable coin than LTC
[4] - the DRK nodes policy. This is a superb idea. It works economically and technically because it keeps the network at a high service level while at the same time creating demand for the coin
All in all. I think this coin does everything right (my opninion of course. I might have made mistakes in my appraisal but that's the way I see things at the moment anyway).