can't be good for darkcoin....
here you are darkcoin fans. enjoy this instamined coin some more.
Anyone stupid enough to trust their $$$ and their liberty to a 3rd party browser plugin deserves the inevitable poverty and jail time that will ensue.
I always thought this was a horrible design decision. I applaud their efforts but implementing it as a browser plugin ensures I'll never be using it.
You forget that most people are fantastically stupid and far too lazy to learn enough to realize what a terrible idea it is... Widespread adoption is all the devs are concerned with, and they'll get it. Cost to the users for being ignorant doesn't matter.
As with all the IT stuff I grew up with... Getting something to just barely work is all that matters. Getting to to work correctly and securely, well, that's way too much trouble so why bother since most people won't notice the difference until it's too late. Look how these same people vote...
Tehre are only two unlimited resources that reach planet Earth. Sunlight and Stupidity. Look at the empire Jobs and Gates built on taking advantage of the stupid...
One thing I don't understand, why there hell is Darkwallet geting SO much press, with it's inferior centeralised technology, while Darkcoin gets so little? It seems the major press, and places like only post on bitcoin...or litecoin or dogecoin... that's their limit.