disagree, this marketing gone bad, looking from all the down votes many people agree.
This video should also not have been posted on Dash digital as well.
The music is just terrible and it sticks in my mind to (yes music is quite personal, but is way to far of base)
If I am missing something here please tell. Otherwise please take it down
If this video gets taken down I will put it back up. It must be kept online as a testament to all that is wrong with Dash and those who shill for it.
It's difficult for words to express the levels of cringe here, but some brave Youtube commenters have made attempts.
It's one thing for Dash to prioritize marketing over technology. It's another thing for Dash to absolutely suck at technology *AND* have atrociously awful marketing.
Dash has zero appeal to high-information types, especially Bitcoiners who have seen many scamcoins come and go.
In the worst traditions of Scamanda's pumping, this video demonstrates Dash's only hope of selling itself is to bamboozle ignorant people who are stupid and greedy enough to buy in based on cheesy marketing.
Oh Icebreaker is feeling it and cannot take it anymore
All will be well soon my little friend once DASH takes over..
Here are all the pro comments my dis-illusioned friend:
"DASH is a superb piece of cryptocurrency and is going to be much much better with the evolution release : To all the youtubers out there, i would just ignore the trolls here who are leaving hate comments and highly recommend you do your own research"
"The song is a little cheesy, but the level of the production is very high. I think if people realised how much work can go into a video like this, they wouldn't be so quick to criticise. There are a lot of cool visuals, attractive women... So that's good. If this team keeps making music, something awesome will probably come out of it sooner or later."
"GREAT!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!"
"The drummer chick, cool! Like!"
"Music no, but the video and message of the video a yes"
"Many haters here but you are not the target group. Obviously. I can imagine people who are still deep in the matrix of popCULTure noticing it."
"Great marketing! The globe symbology is so 1984 though."
"CooL thumbs up"
"Cool! as long as it sounds rock, it's great! More power DASH!"
"Great video!"
"To clarify, you can own your Masternode or if that to expensive you can own a share, "you are" your new government !"
"sorry. but bitcoin is not a real thing. I can make better codes faster for breakfast without the use of high power computers you guys are stealing"
"Awesome, because this is not bitcoin lolz"
"That's the crazy thing about free societies, they do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Looks like some people got their feelings hurt watching the video though, huh? Their problem, not the producers, authors, artists, and other human beings that put this effort together of their own accord, and free will. AFAIK Dash did nothing to financially support this, or many efforts to which Dash community is contributing."
"Don't listen to the haters, this is great! The Dash team never forgets why we're here."
"Great video .. well done"
"credits? who are the artists, they deserve some DASH"
"We have all been trolled....bahahaha"
To all the DASH haters out there, keep hating we love it when you comment....and cant get enough.. it shows us that DASH is heading in the right direction and It just provides more fuel to us to burn and even do better on DASH as a cryptocurrency and as a community..