for the next week im going to do a lottery EVERY day, ill even trow in 200 DRK of my own.
So each day 1 lucky winner will get 50% of fees, AND 28.57 DRK
The Lottery starts tomorrow... in 28 hours..
Please don't use, they steal hashrate in the form of not reporting some found blocks:
All time luck: 112.01%! So basically your accusing me of stealing, i would REALLY like to have you clarify that the pool Only accepts real shares there is NO custom code build into the stratum for 'stealing' shares the only customization is protection from ddos with fake shares.
Lotterymining has Given out more coin in lottery than it has gained. Lotterymining never cheats the miners. ASK the miners who have been with me from the start.
So you give away free money and your pool has an incredibly bad luck even after more than 3 weeks for it to have reached variance stabilization.
Such good heart
Lottery has Last 7 Days : 103.27%Coinmine has Last 7 Days : 103.40%
Official has Last 7 Days : 98.79%
Such has Last 7 Days : 103 %
Everyone has "bad luck" except for the official pool...
Yea it's not that most pools steal blocks, it's just bad luck
So you say : It's just bad luck!!!!!
After an accusation of stealing people, please don't say things like this if you have nothing to proove it.
I switch to lottery 3 weeks ago, it's really nice pool.
And CHOSiTEC always here to help people...
Please don't be a fool.
I don't have and I don't need to prove it.
Just putting it out there so people choose a pool with "better luck"
1. coinmine - 103.49%
2. lottery - 113.85%
3. suchpool - 117.82%
4. official - 137.79%
so if we go the way you think, then at that time (24th) ALL pools where "stealing" from the miners
get a grip on life... maybe you should buy a new brain while your at it..
lol, poor 2-4, such "bad luck"
ohh only 2-4 what about coinmine - was worse than mine is now.... please try to keep consistent in your trolling
What about Coinmine ? they probably don't steal blocks or only 1-2% if they do.
Your pool steals 11-12% of blocks.
113.85 - 103.49 = 10.36% less profits mining in your scampool AKA lotteryminingpool
oohh and your saying that
at the time (24th) was stealing as well...
well, according to your calculations... 40% of all the proffits of the miners, the inventor of this coin, the official pool owner,
but you know what.. 1.. no proof
2... i think i know why your pissed off...
your the one i caught cheating on the pool, trying to steal the honest miners by submitting fake shares, and i cut you off.. redistributed the shares back to the miners...
ohh regarding proof.. i dont need any, all it needs is to be out in the open... as you say..
lets see, what else can i accuse you off...
ohh yeah... lying! Trolling! being a misserable boy living in your mothers basement....
where i come from, we EAT ymer for breakfast...