With a fork, it can be done : a fork of DASH to save DASH ... and resources can be created to influence DASH FROM WITHIN. Mnodes without huge accumulation of devices are the first interested, because they are the ones who will lose the most. Either we all come together ... or this gang fucks EVERYTHING. (of course, I repeat that I hope the collaboration of @afbitcoins on this - ... in fact, that of any well-intentioned DASH fan -)
A dash fork would intrigue me a lot I can't deny. But not sure what I can offer in terms of supporting that end.
Decency, cleanliness and aspirations proportional to every contribution, the only ones that can be considered legitimate. The simple contemplation of any global collective organization chart already clearly indicates that not being a thief is already, unfortunately, a great contribution. Knowing that growing a shared asset makes your individual wealth grow is essential ... and as simple as that. Everything that goes beyond this formula must be carried out at the really surgical level ... even if the particular desire to push the project implies added inconvenience ... assumed. He who cannot bear them, simple : let him turn away.
When a position in any hierarchy generates more returns than those strictly proportional according to the agreed criteria of ALL its members, that structure is dead as a collective association, because the human factor exceeds the approach - the parasite is devouring its host -. DASH, which is probably the biggest display of personal influence in crypto, is a splendid example of this. Real transparency, which must be constantly cared for even if this limits the scope of the project, is a good way to limit the movements of any type of personal management.
The half dozen claims that the DeepBlue member neatly summarizes in the post that I repeated here a few days ago, perfectly exposes this type of personal conditioning factors and the abuse capacity of those who particularly have certain special powers. And by the way, the deliberate ignorance of its claims - the "silence for response" / "administrative silence" - ... is also corruption (by omission, but absolutely decisive) ... as much as that committed in the irregularities that it exposes in a close-up, direct, of these management abuses. Omission so comparable to the "administrative blockade" in the bureaucracy that manages any of the public administrations that we can see assaulted by the manipulative political parasites of the West ... who are supposed to be the most advanced in the world and are nothing more than another paradise of parasites ... most of which are limited to "looking the other way", a position of excessive impunity ... when that is enough AND NECESSARY to damage the "common good".
A rigorous 1: 1 backup in REAL WEALTH (proven store of value assets) against the main asset (which would also be a constant resource for target price discovery beyond "selling smoke") can be impeccable against corruption of the proposed system, because it already guarantees an inalienable wealth which limits the distortion of the main token ... since whoever differs from the evolution of the project, can claim their corresponding assets without diminishing their private contribution or the general interest of the rest of the members. That is a question of defining and work it. Anyone always has to have the freedom to pick up their suitcase and leave. Of course ... before 4 corrupt devalue your property with defaults, lies and cheating. Working on that is of prime importance.
On the other hand, the MODULAR operation that is sought with a fork destined not to "divorce" but to co-exist independently within an original project - precisely so as not to have to assume its vices, or what each "modular element" of This collective structure considers vices - it must be guaranteed as far as possible to each of its members.
DASH, with its current technology, should already have infinitely more prominence in the crypto ranking than it does ... but it is a centralized project, hijacked ... and therefore, logically, despised by many of those who contemplate it from the outside. Curiously, governance is continually exposed as a "secondary" resource, which is not assumed by those involved (while, even more curiously, access to this governance is blocked by the vast majority of its members
). If governance in DASH is continually bogged down, it is so that those who benefit from its status continue to be ( that a couple of dozen people, like DCG, insure 60% of a literally ruined Treasury or that a couple of hundred owners continuously and disproportionately drain that treasure for their own benefit and to the obvious detriment of the main asset - the currency - and even cut rights or rewards to other elements of the structure ... are simply obvious but anecdotal examples of the ridiculousness and the fallacy that a personalistic and centralized approach like that can achieve...and that , without developing adequate mechanisms, unfortunately they will be constantly repeated on other ways) .
Coincidentally ... the profile of charlatan phonies who take advantage of these grotesque imbalances are the first who demagogically use attempts to convince the Mnodes that the Treasury is not "free money" ... or "freedom of expression" from shameful media Informational intoxication. (In my country, and I suppose that in many ... are the most thieves and shameless politicians, the first to reproach the population that works like beasts and is deeply in debt for their public robberies that ... "they have lived beyond their possibilities"). DASH - or rather, the distorted perversion of the initial DASH project that exists today - is exatcly the same garbage in the crypto industry.
It is absolutely necessary to get hold of that mob by the balls. A fork from within renouncing its shenanigans and making them apparent by sheer comparison ... will condition them.Otherwise, they will continue to authorize all their whims with 4 excuses ... they don't need more.