While I agree somewhat with your analysis that the dash price from a pattern technical point of few is at a higher chance of a correction (although it should have done that already and hasn't ) I see your way you look at an investment puzzling.
You mix interest/dividend with gains of values based on a free selected base in the past.
Let me put it this way:
Say you invest in something that gives no interest and no dividend and the value of that asset doubles how many years of said interest or dividend are this that you could lock in?
If such considerations works for you fine but honestly to me your look at this things is a very wired one.
I base investments on the future potential they have an the risk.
If you do not believe in Dash you sell. But you will most likely have sold already long ago with that thought. If you believe in the value of Dash then there is no point to sell now when you invested 3 years ago because the fundamentals are still promising and nothing at all has changed. So why then you want to jump? It's actually one of the coins where work is done in the correct direction.
And honest you will have to have it hard this days to find something with 10% interest. So if you jump what you gonna do with the money?
10% (isn't it 8.5%?) is a very good oprotunity all you have to wonder is how risky is it? And here of course people have very different opinions.
What is true is do NOT invest money you can not affort to lose. Crypto (ALL crypto) are high risk investments!!
The Dash price might fluctuate strong (spikes) as it did 3 times very storng already in the past and you might try to surf those waves but you can also get burned in trying to do so. Crypto with an longtime upward trend as dash is one often take a step up end on a higher level than before after a spike.