Fundamentals suggest increasing and sustained on-chain activity over the past two years. While optional privacy features are not dominant on the network, these types of transactions have also increased year over year since inception.
I like that conclusion
The DASH Improvement Proctol repo has largely been inactive over the past year (bottom, chart below). DASH Core v0.15 was released in February with improvements to the native UI, mempool syncing, and PrivateSend
That is incorrect. We had v0.16 released in October 2020 --> strange that bravenewcoin overlooked that.
Also Dash Github development activity for Dash should be monitored here : most companies that analyse Dash Github development activity overlook that and only focus on the master tree -->, which gives a very incomplete picture. Also bravenewcoin seems oblivious to development on Dash Platform, that had numerous updates (5?) this year alone on Evonet and will be launched on Dash testnet end of this month.
Links : blame above on a weakening of Dash marketing efforts. Hopefully Dash Core Group hires someone for the vacant CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) position soon. Obviously Dash Platform needs a lot
more marketing then it is currently getting and we need to focus on getting the message across that Dash development activity on Github should be tracked from the developer tree,
not just the master tree.
Unlike other coins from the class of 2014, which have largely gone extinct, DASH has likely survived due to both the Master Node and treasury components.
Master Nodes discourage a vast majority of the circulating supply to ever see the open market, and the treasury has continued to fund DASH related development
and marketing to sustain the coin over the past six years.
And there goes all of toknormal's assumptions. This is not exactly the first respectable company doing a detailed market analysis on Dash,
that mentioned Dash survival likely being connected to both its masternodes model and its decentralized treasury.
toknormal will not like that