At least it answers the negative promote vibe i was getting from it.
The blockchain has a budget which is the block reward.
The de-facto use of that budget is to make coins as expensive to mine as they are to buy, thereby implementing a synthetic store-of-value.
If, instead of doing that, the protocol gifts those coins away then only one result can be expected long term.
It doesn't mean the coin still can't be useful, provide great service, utility, good for payments etc. It just will be a sh* store of value by comparison with one that optimises its budget and spends it in keeping scarcity high.
******* Solution ********
Dash gives half its "scarcity" budget away to masternodes when it doesn't have to. It's getting next-to-nothing back for this since the masternode network is extremely cheap to run compared with what it gets paid out of the blockchain. The software to run a node is free of charge. The node is automated. It doesn't require a salaried operator maintaining it for 8 hours a day. Even the collateral stays in the hands of the original owner and is no less accessible than an equivalent balance in a bitcoin cold wallet.
I am advocating for putting that reward to good use in a way that benefits directly the store-of-value performance of the chain. Then the network will actually get something for its money. That is BULLISH and OPTIMISTIC.
Not only that, as a masternode operator it's a self-preservation and self-interest perspective because I don't want my collateral to lose value and the capital loss on collateral blows any masternode reward to kingdom come with only small revaluations never mind the huge ones we've had over the last 3 years.
Contributors like yourself and bigrcanda should be ashamed of yourselves in my view because you're in no position to be throwing chaff in the faces of people who are attempting to genuinely analyse this problem in good faith. Despite that you continue to do so with your nonsense obfuscating arguments like "down from ATH" and "where's the evidence" while all the evidence anyone needs is staring you in the face as you know fine well.
You're simply trying to paint a pretty face on a monster, shrug your shoulders and blame our poor performance on being washed around by the tide. xkcdd's excuses are equally bad. Dash has had plenty fair shakes at institutional acceptance - we were one of the earliest on BTCe back in the days, one of only a handful traded on Bitfinex, had investment funds taking masternodes, got promoted worldwide by Keiser for months and accepted on Coinbase.
The three of you are pathetic in the arguments/excuses you offer forward IMO, and if we get anywhere it will be in spite of them, not because of them. Empty spin doctoring is just going to get us more of the same and I do not agree with your stance of sitting on hands, declaring blind allegiance to a non-performing strategy and waiting for wind to blow us into some gain.
IMO my approach is therefore bullish, not bearish since I see huge opportunity in our wasted budget and am advocating for it to be put to good use.