Introduction is a new cryptocurrency based on litecoin / dogecoin and open sources works on cryptos. It uses the Scrypt algorithm combined with Kimoto's Gravity Well.
It has no purpose other than being what it is. There is no premine nor IPO, the windows wallet and the source code will be released here for a fair launch. Wallet / Sources UPDATED TO FIX FORK PLEASE DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSIONMod note: malware links removed
dafuqcoin.conf file (Put in %appdata%\DafuqCoin for windows, ~/.dafuqcoin for linux):
addnode= Technical Informations : Scrypt PoW/PoD (Proof of Dafuq)
Block Time : 30 seconds
Difficulty Retarget : KGW
Max Coins : 100 Billion
Premine : No premine
Reward : The rewarding system of DafuqCoin is unique, and indeed honnor the coin's name.
There are 3 factors involved into the block reward :
-The first is a random number determining which reward will be used. There are 5 possible rewards, each have it's own percentage of probability to come out.
Here's a simple schema : second factor is another random number which will be used to determine a bonus multiplier applied to the reward.
As for the first, there are multiple possibilities with specific percentage of chances to drop., The classic nHeight factor is used to divide the reward per 2 every 100k blocks.
Here's a complete table of all possible rewards. Basically, the first random factor determine the line, the second determine the row.
For example, when a block is found there is 13% chance the reward will be 1337, then there is another 0.19% chance it will be multiplied by 10.
This reward is finally divided by 2 for each 100k block in the blockchain. can we say about this ?
Well, we have the same chances to get 50 or 450050 coins on a block, but we have less chances to get 10 coins than 90010.
There are more chances to get 1 coin on a block than 2674 but you have the same amount of chances to get a 9001. Also, getting
1998 is easier than getting a 3 but harder than getting a 2005. So finally, we can say that getting a 2005 is easier than getting a 3 ? True,
but it's still harder than getting a 1.5. Mining Pools Exchanges Block Explorer Translations are looking for translations, advertising, games ... If you can/want to help us, you can reach us here or on IRC. As we didn't premined or done any IPO, we don't have bounties to offer unless you are doing something really important for the coin