The thing is that if DMME starts to get the attention from the masses then it could easily overtake these older platforms as people like to try new things and DMME messenger app offers that so it will be interesting to see how it goes ones the app is launched. Some apps can take time and some blow up overnight depending on what the app offers. I'm willing to wait and see and in the meantime earn them MN rewards.
By now, DMme has still been something like a germ in mud, it is very popular for young projects, young platforms, especially if they launched in competitive areas.
DMme messenger with its promising new things might make it really competitive app.
Building up good messenger from innovative ideas first, then launching apps, making massive promotions (as effective as possible), expanding communities as widely as possible, and waiting for some months to see how it goes and takes part of users from old messenger platforms.
Yep, it will be interesting times for us holders of DMME to see where this project can go in the long term future. If they can target the right audience then it could take off very quickly. Then it would be a huge incentive for masternode holders as we would be sharing in the revenues from the app which could then see the price explode at the same time as people would want to get in and earn from the revenues if of course the messenger app becomes popular. Time will tell but like I said before, I'm willing to wait and see what happens with this project.
As of an investors sight: even for a midterm run there will be massive gains, also if dmme platform would take too long for the whole market to be ahead....but if they reach some things they want to achieve, than there is a platform used by many ppl(also other features possible)....this market sector of REAL PRIVACY WRITING isnt taken so far imo, and so this gap has to be closed!!!...if "normal writing ppl who doesnt care about them privacy of the usage of em data) join would only take some zeros behind the price, of price mooning anyway when app is just working
---in conclusion,imo possible outcome
1)App will run, price will shoot up easily to that point to marketcap of 500k (kinda 10x from here)
2)then this coin would rise--if no competitor takes too much of the market--but its an app/coin/idea needed and much room to fast it will rise depends on the app staying ahead and the marketing for the use of the app to grow fast before others can keep up there too.......REAL PRIVACY WRITING is a market NEEDED and real hard to estimate how big this can be, but if adopted worldwide, even with some strong competitors this can be an easiest!!! marcetcap of 100mio+
3) if app is cheap enough and well known, also the "not privacy-caring" ppl could join...and if the idea of PRIVACY will be brought to them, it will be faaaar more!!!(((total crypto market adaption inevitable imo also)))
Every bad habbit of a company,bank or government WILL DRIVE PEOPLE INTO PRIVACY!!! ...every monopolized thing, every printed dollar, every riot and war WILL DRIVE PEOPLE INTO PRIVACY! imo there is all possible 10x-1000x (((-100000x))) it depends on the Dmme team, and as they normally not known as idiots running around trying to fuck doorknoobs as other teams are known as----it will be a funny MOON RIDE in any way!!!
Well put and well said. Although I wont comment on the price (for obvious reasons), the matter of the fact is we are seeing more and more privacy driven projects and companies. I could (and will in the future) write an extensive essay on why this is, where does it come from and where it is going. For now, let's just say that it is a slow and minority driven movement that will grow and grow. Yes, loads of people will never care, because they dont mind paying for a free product with their data and private information. For the rest of us, we will fight to keep our privacy private
No need to comment on the price....i just wanted to state, that this is a perfect!!! time starting this coin, and some things can go unbelievable fast and more invcredible as it is imaginable--Things never thought before can be reached, if the rocks start to roll....Achievements of dmme will motivate dmme team+community, so i think if some things happen, then also the team will be surprised that this can get more succesful as thought in first place^^
Is it big enough, fees could be established low enough, that "ppl who dont care", wont care of "paying a bit" for writing too!!!
.....i think one has/had to pay 70 cents or so for using WA each year, or so!?! ,...also ppl pay much for them mobile contracts!!! ....if dmme can get big enough, there will be always ways to get dmme integrated in some other thingys to get it to the "normal crowd; not caring ppl"
.....maybe a 2nd messanger app of dmme, filled and financed with some advertizing or some funds, with ofc waaay less privacy, released at the right time to the "untaught" crowd just for raising awareness of the REAL PRIVACY DMME APP...stating all the time that is possible to get passive income through it or to use it for the original intended usecase
...or in combination with some other functions---maybe adoption of crowd through spendability through cards,till ppl realize they can use it for privacy too---these could be marketing moves in a more far future to get on top if (imo a more final^^)bullmarkt brakes through!!! .....the "stupid crowd" has to be taken into it by force!!!
(maybe playing with mainstream a bit in the future--also if its not rly liked^^)
...idk how much work the team will put in it, but imo they can transform the coin into something rly rly big, if they believe on them own and the timing is played at its best!!!
....get this thing rolling soon, tricky but with substance and i think a massive "first investors" wave comming soon on dmme - as more respect of the other older cryptonians come to this coin too....then the moon wil start to glow!!!