Next year it will be 1000 Satoshi.
By 2020 it will be 10,000 Satoshi each, however much a BTC is in 2020.
Maybe it will be $500 a coin, who knows? I know.
The current value is 142 at these bitcoin prices , So yeah if btc goes up to 2000 then we going to be happy doge coin owners but I am 90% sure btc prices will go lower in Jan
and pick up to previous highs later on.
Will doge prices go down short term, definitely, but I think getting in at 70 and under your making a good investment.
Remember there is going to be 100 Billion coins in circulation, so if they had to go to $1 it would be 10 times greater then the entire virtual currency marketcap is worth
Also what this coin needs is more of a dev team, I am not sure if the creators are working on it seeing the success it has acquired or if it will come from 3rd party but this is a long term downside I see.