Many hours read topic
Such greatness
Epic signup on forum
So very first post
WOWStarted mining on 4th day. Havent sold anything yet. Only buy buy buy (and mine)
Have been reading a lot, also comments about FUD and where
DOGE will go.
Great thoughts will share I to add to your wisdom to why doge will skyrocket:- How large is current dollar/euro/yen economy? Many many billions, more then there will be dogecons. If you have 1 million us dollar/euro now, you did well. So 1 million DOGE can be worth 1 dollar each why not? Why relate to bitcoin? Still with 1 mio doge i believe you can be a millionair in us dollars. Why?
- A "something" is worth something because of supply and demand. Basic economics.
Bitcoin was worth less then a dollar, because no-one knew of it. Now more people know of it existence and the price rises. As soon as this awereness starts to spread more, more people want a dogecoin. Mining will become more difficult very rapidly. Coins per hour for me are down from 100k to 1k. Won't be a surprice to see 100 coins per hour in the next few weeks.
- Block-halving. I learned this lesson with another crypto. It had its blockhalfing (1000 coins per block to 500 coins per block). Sold some coins the day before it happend (want paying attention..). Day after blockhalfing, price when from 800 satoshi to 2000. Next day 4500. Its now stable around 2000 again. Omg did i miss out. What you think is going to happen when doge reach 100.000 blocks? Blockhalving. What do you think it will do with the price?
- What makes crypto's different from eachother? As a "noob" I dont care about POW POS WOW etc, I care about how many people use it and if i can use it to make (mini-)payments. I care about the fun-factor: is it fun to spent and to receive? I like to receive euro's and dollars (and doge since a few days)!
So the answer imho is awereness and appeal. That DOGE is hyped is good for awereness and the creates the possibility of becoming more valuable.
- Welcome to the future everyone! It's almost 2014. Back in the 70's "we" let go of the goldstandard. This means your dollar is worth NOTHING (intrinsic), but is based on TRUST. What do you think the digital number on your backaccount is? Any different from a digital number in a doge-wallet? We have the same monetairy fiat currency system for over 40 years now. No fiat currency has ever made it this long. There have been hunderds of fiat currency systems before that all returned to its real value: zero. Thats why its all about trust nowadays, and since 2008, this trust is weakening. This digital coin revolution could be the start of something new. A new monetairy system that is controlled by the people instead of the very wealthy familys of this world. Why sell 1 million doge for some fiat currency that buys you a new ps4/xbox? Ill wait and buy 3 houses for 1 million doge, mark my words. Offtopic: my very best personal advice for you would be to buy gold and silver (real tangible assets = real money), but thats another topic
. By the way, a gold/silver webshop in my country now accepts bitcoin
- People who say this is a hype and that doge will fall down hard, my thoughts are: a hype is good, see above about the awereness/appeal. Does it means it will die after the hype? Don't think so. In my country, still 25% don't know, or heard anything about bitcoin. Imagine doge
. Now doge is turning up on newswebsites and its going viral. Perfect for awereness. The fun-factor makes it that new doge's come in and try it out for them selfs. The more people get to know about, the more people want it. Supply/demand
. What will happen is: supply will dry out (less coins per person) and demand will rise (badly!!).
- Ssst.. dont tell anyone else, because here i'll share my strategy: i wont sell my coins. I will use them for payments as soon as more websites start accepting. To get my friends involved I made a promotion on my facebook, handing out free doge for ppl who download the wallet and create a address that they put in the reply.
So.. it's up to yourself and I. To make this a success, we need awereness and much crazy things going on to let everyone know DOGE is here to stay. To go the moon!
Such promotion
Make own promotion
Much buy doge
Very appeal
So demand
1st stop Moon
Very long journey
WOW doge will travel to other dimension!Very welcome to future
english bit poor, not my native language.
Such thanks for extensive thoughts
Very positive
Nice donation: DBdnFUqigpJ3gjWPNmC8T9rHo9Q7M16mKu
Its nice of me to share my thoughts. It's even better to share the hot action with you. Feel free to use this text as promotion for your own facebook / blog:
I'm giving away 10.000 DOGE coins for free (Its the NEW bitcoin). (douge, dodge doge? No > you say it as dog-e > doggy)
All you have to do is to download the DOGE wallet (where you can store your coins and receive/make payments). Create and post your DOGE address as a reply and you will receive a part of the 10.000 DOGE for free.
>>> You can download the DOGE wallet on It is free of charge. No commercial party is involved. This coin is fully supported by people like you and me. <<<
BitCoin is more and more known by the public; now it is time for a more affordable digital currency, since BitCoin is way expensive at this moment.
Maybe you have heard of LiteCoin, FeatherCoin or others. Forget about those. > DOGE coin will be the new BitCoin.
1 BitCoin is currently 750 us dollars, while at the start a few years ago is was less then 1 dollar. DOGE just started a few weeks ago and is now less then 1 dollar each, but where will it go?
More information about this cryptocoin is on the official bitcointalk form, located at:
- Since its my own coins, i reserve the right to cancel this promotion at any time. Promotion is for the first 100 that respond.
- Only my facebook friends can enter this promotion. Friends of Friends are excluded.
- Have you already received DOGE from me? You won't be eligable for this promotion im sorry.
DogeCoin WOW. Much Coin. Way Crypto. Many Doge's. To the moon. Wow.
Such FAQ:
Q: Whats in it for me?
A: Well it cost me money, these are my own coins. My benefit is awereness. The more people know of it and use it, the higher the value will become.
Q: Whats in it for me, myself and I ?
A: You get free dogecoins that may be worth a dollar each in the future. And lots of fun playing with it. Get involved. Go
Q: Why dogecoin and not bitcoin?
A: Because dogecoin is sexy. We all love doge
Q: Where can I get help, I dont understand
A: Such forum: Whats up with the strange very such wow language?
A: Know your memes:
Edit and make it your own way. Or just copy my text.
My brother just texted me (and replyed with a dogecoin address). He said: im coming over soon for whiskey and you gonna tell me more about doge and how i can use it / benefit from it. One of first questions was: where CAN I BUY those coins? So want the price to go up? Make people enthousiastic about this. Inspire. Moon. Wow.
Really guys, it is this easy.
Forget about the pricetag for now. Go out and have fun, inspire your fellow man. Make your own succes. We all need YOU.
Such thanks for actual promotion material
So free to use
Very positive
Very donation for rich doge: DBdnFUqigpJ3gjWPNmC8T9rHo9Q7M16mKu (doge)