Okay, I am going to have to sound off here. I don't appreciate scammers and misconfigurations for the QT based wallets. In order to get all wallets to synchronize with the networks in which they belong, is you need the newest unedited version of the wallet for what ever operating system is has been built or or will be built if you are on Linux for example.
Now, the configuration file has nothing to do with synchronizing to the network, the Dogecoin-qt wallet will synchronize with the network without any .conf file being used. What you do need however, is to
select IPv6 in your networking section and set it to Automatic or if you have it already configured as a manual address and you need to add in an exception in your firewall, so that this client, the Dogecoin-qt
wallet can communicate with the external nodes and gets the blockchain data.
A quick edit; I have realized that some ISP do block you from connecting to certain IP addresses and block certain ports, however I do know that is not a concern of Comcast cable and high speed Internet, they're not blocking it because I have Comcast and have done solo mining. I primarily do pool mining for Dogecoin now.
Usually, the reason why you can't connect is because you have an old version of the wallet and needs new network nodes or your firewall on the computer is blocking it. Note: If you're on Microsoft Windows, there are two firewalls, the Microsoft Windows Firewall and the firewall that comes with your security suite, you need to fix it so both allow your wallet to connect to the outside world. When it just sits there, it means it can't connect. Also, many newer wallets use IPv6 addressing, which means that if your firewalls are fine, it could be this option stopping you up. Same thing if you're using a miner program even if you specify only IPv4 addresses, such as localhost aka It's just one of those funny things...
Now, about that .conf file. There is no point in using that file because, if you do solo mining and someone's unique identifier can be seen from the network nodes, your coin can be taken from you.
Now, the following should be set if you are just using the wallet as a wallet and not going to be solo mining.
# rpcuser=
# rpcpassword=
# rpcallowip=
# rpcport=22555
# server=0
# daemon=0
# addnode=
# addnode=
The reason for the pound sign aka the "#" is that it comments out the activity of the commands and options, as if you didn't have a .conf file to begin with. Notice, I cleared the rpcuser and rpcpassword as well as the rpcallowip. Zeroed server and daemon as well, if you're using this as just a wallet, you don't need any further information in.
Essentially, you can use the litecoin.conf example file and change the "addnodes=" to mirror the Dogecoin network IP addresses. If you need an updated list contact
https://twitter.com/BillyM2k. His G-Mail account is on there too, he's the developer of Dogecoin itself. He will probably post the official nodes for you to use and/or the example.conf file you can use for the wallet, which is the safest route.
Remember, anyone who tells you need a .conf file for you to synchronize to the network is a liar and most likely a scammer or doesn't know what in the hell they're doing. Another thing, before you go to get
a .conf file, should you want to do solo mining, please read the Litecoin tutorials, it works the same way for Dogecoin, just uses different node IP addresses and ports than Litecoin. Last but not least, encrypt your wallet, please!
I hope this helps you!
Why the heck wont DOGECOIN wallet sync with the network? I downloaded the windows wallet on windows 7 and it just says out of sync. No loading nothing.
Did you follow the instructions and make the DOGE.conf in your appdata?
I copy/pasted the code from the first page into notepad and named it doge.conf then saved to the dogecoin folder inside roaming and yet still nothing.
C> Uses > *** > Appdata > Roaming > Dogecoin
Save the file as "Dogecoin.conf" without " obviously.
Copy/paste this inside it when you open it with notepad in txt form-
Worked for me