I am using v1.2 client and have not sync to network few days, today I upgrade to v1.4.1 (windows), I exact the zip files in new directory, but when I run new client, I got those error message:
Db::get:Not enough space
C:\docments and setting\administrator\□□□□\dogecointqt-v141-win\dogecoin-qt.exe in processMessage()"
What should I do? Thanks.
1) Close Dogecoin client
2) Going to your data folder: on win7, C:\Users[your name]\AppData\Roaming\DogeCoin
3) Delete your blk0001.dat, blkindex.dat, and /database folder (don't delete wallet.dat)
4) Restart v1.4 and resync with network
You'll have to resync the entire blockchain but it should work.