It's practical and seems to work as advertized. The dev is accessible and friendly, and regularly appears on DOGED radio as well to discuss the coin and various other things.
They're not (currently) trying to turn a cryptocurrency into an entire app-ecosystem/whiteboard/instantmessenger/OperatingSystem. It's a cryptocurrency, that delivers on BTC's "promise" of anonymous transactions if used correctly.
Hell, i2p integration means you even have a chance of using a darknet not funded by the USDoD!
The DOGED community believes not only in this coin but also in Cryptos as a whole, and RickStoner does an excellent job of giving all the devs and guests he has on live a fair shake while still getting answers to (sometimes hard to approach probably) questions. When they're on live, I listen, and they listen back - oh, that's right, I didn't mention that this is all fantastically interactive via IRC/skype.
It's all there just rockin' on and untzin' thru the night, raining rainbows all the while, getting more mature as others rise and fall on vapor, greed, and dreams.
It's 4-5 sats right now. When I found it it was 2. It went up to like 18 the night it went on cryptsy, but it's hovered 7- to 5ish for the last week or so.
When this thing hits shapeshift, it's going to be silly.
THANKS out to the DOGED community for being who they are!
Its great to have like minded people seeing Doged for what it is. I also semi quoted you on twitter @ CryptoOz