
Topic: [ANN][DTT]🔺ICO DataTrading - trade forecasting by artificial intelligence 🔺📈 - page 3. (Read 5993 times)

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Activity: 448
Merit: 250
We have compiled our best articles on bitcoin and cryptocurrency into this essential guide. Bitcoin is a di cult subject to grasp, no doubt, but we hope that a er reading this that you will have a more thorough understanding of what bitcoin is, how it works, and why the technology behind it will be the basis of the currency of the future.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
 Thanks to a few industrious entrepreneurs, the monetary future has arrived. Bitcoin is a virtual currency that was created and designed to give total  nancial autonomy to its users.  ere’s no censorship, it’s protected from in ation, and it’s cheaper than other payment systems — just you and your coins, however you choose to use them.  e use of cryptocurrencies liberates individuals to be able to manage their  nances the way they see  t, without any prying eyes.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Hello team! Interested in you project..Are is secure for me to participate in the Token Sale DataTrading project?

Hello and nice to meet you!

I also got interested in this project in October!

Ask any questions that you are interested in, the team is very and very friendly
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
I agree with you?

Did you invest in it already?

So much of "artificial intelligence" these days and it still sounds good and it still means nothing special, simply beautiful words to gain high profits.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
So much of "artificial intelligence" these days and it still sounds good and it still means nothing special, simply beautiful words to gain high profits.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
• Na onal currency-focused: services that use cryptocurrency primarily as a ‘payment rail’ for fast and cost-e cient payments,
which are generally denominated in na onal currencies
• B2B payment services: pla orms that provide payments for businesses, o en  mes across borders
• Money transfer services: services that provide primarily interna onal money transfers for individuals (e.g., tradi onal remi ances, bill payment services)
• Cryptocurrency-focused: services that facilitate the use of cryptocurrencies; generally payments are denominated in cryptocurrency, but can also be exchanged to na onal currencies
• Merchant services: services that process payments for cryptocurrency-accep ng merchants, and provide addi onal merchant services (e.g., shopping cart integra ons, point-of-sale terminals)
• General-purpose cryptocurrency pla orm: pla orms that perform a variety of cryptocurrency transfer services (e.g., instant payments to other users of the same pla orm using cryptocurrency and/or na onal currencies, payroll, bill payment services)
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
 Wallets with integrated currency exchange: wallets that provide currency exchange services within the wallet interface using
one of three exchange models:
• Centralised exchange/brokerage service model: wallet provider acts as central counterparty
• Integrated third-party exchange model: wallet provider partners with a third-party exchange to provide exchange services
• P2P exchange/marketplace model: wallet provider o ers a built-in P2P exchange that lets users exchange currencies between themselves
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
• Incorporated wallet: registered corpora on that provides so ware and/or hardware wallets.
• Custodial wallet/custodian: wallet provider that takes custody of users’ cryptocurrency holdings by controlling the private key(s).
• Self-hosted wallet: wallet that lets users control private key(s), meaning that the wallet service does not have access to users’ cryptocurrency funds
• Large wallet: incorporated wallet that has more than 10 full- me employees
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
• Order-book exchange: pla orm that uses a trading engine to match buy and sell orders from users
• Brokerage service: service that lets users conveniently acquire and/or sell cryptocurrencies at a given price
• Trading pla orm: pla orm that provides a single interface for connec ng to several other exchanges and/or o ers leveraged
trading and cryptocurrency deriva ves
• Large exchange: exchange with more than 20 full- me employees and/or a non-negligible market share
• Custodial exchange/custodian: exchange that takes custody of users’ cryptocurrency funds
Activity: 98
Merit: 0
Hello team! Interested in you project..Are is secure for me to participate in the Token Sale DataTrading project?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
• Asia-Paci c: region that comprises East Asia, South Asia, South-East Asia and Oceania
• Africa and Middle East: region that comprises the African con nent as well as the Middle East
• Europe: region that comprises Western Europe, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe including Russia
• La n America: region that comprises South America and Central America including Mexico
• North America: region composed of Canada and the United States
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
 Appendix B: The cryptocurrency industry o ers a more detailed introduc on to the emergence of the cryptocurrency industry.
• Appendix C: The geographical dispersion of cryptocurrency users discusses the geographical dispersion of cryptocurrency users and ac vity.
• References and Endnotes provide informa on on where outside informa on was gathered and further explana on of how some  gures were calculated (e.g., employee  gures by sector).
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
The collected data was encrypted and safely stored, accessible only to the authors of this study. All individual company-speci c data was anonymised and analysed in aggregate by industry sector, type of ac vity, organisa on size, region and country. We es mate that our benchmarking study captured more than 75% of the four cryptocurrency industry sectors covered in this report.
The remainder of this report is structured as follows:
• The Exchanges sec on presents an overview of the cryptocurrency exchange sector and the di erent types of exchange ac vi es, with a par cular focus on security.
• The Wallets sec on explores the di erent types and formats of wallets, as well as widely o ered features including currency exchange services.
• The Payments sec on features a taxonomy of the four major payment ac vity types, and compares na onal and cross-border payment channels and transac on sizes.
• The Mining sec on describes the mining value chain and features a map with publicly known mining facili es across the world; miners’ views on policy issues and opera onal challenges are also presented.
• Appendix A: Brief introduc on to cryptocurrencies highlights the general concept of cryptocurrencies and presents their key proper es and value proposi ons.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
The research team collected data from cryptocurrency companies and organisa ons across 38 countries and  ve world regions. Over one hundred cryptocurrency companies and organisa ons as well as 30 individual miners par cipated in one or more of the four surveys. During the survey process, the research team communicated directly with individual organisa ons, explaining the study’s objec ves. For cases in which currently ac ve major companies did not contribute to our study, the dataset was supplemented with addi onal research and web scraping using commonly applied methodologies.
144 cryptocurrency organisa ons and individual miners are included in the research study sample
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
The Cambridge Centre for Alterna ve Finance carried out four online surveys from September 2016 to January 2017 via secure web-based ques onnaires. Each survey was directed at organiza ons and individuals opera ng in a speci c sector of the cryptocurrency industry as de ned by our taxonomy (speci cally exchanges, wallets, payment service providers, and miners).
All surveys were wri en and distributed in English, and the exchanges survey as well as the mining survey were translated and distributed in Chinese with the generous help of

I did not know that there are some serious studies on it...
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
• Between 5.8 million and 11.5 million wallets are es mated to be currently ‘ac ve’.
• The lines between wallets and exchanges are increasingly blurred: 52% of wallets surveyed provide an integrated currency exchange feature, of which 80% o er a na onal-to-cryptocurrency exchange service. In contrast with exchanges, the majority of wallets do not control access to user keys.
• While 79% of payment companies have exis ng rela onships with banking ins tu ons and payment networks, the di culty of obtaining and maintaining these rela onships is cited as this sector's biggest challenge.
• On average, na onal-to-cryptocurrency payments cons tute two-thirds of total payment company transac on volume, whereas na onal-to-na onal currency transfers and cryptocurrency-to-cryptocurrency payments account for 27% and 6%, respec vely.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
• The exchanges sector has the highest number of opera ng en  es and employs more people than any other industry sector covered in this study; a signi cant geographical dispersion of exchanges is observed.
• 52% of small exchanges hold a formal government license compared to only 35% of large exchanges.
• On average, security headcount corresponds to 13% of total employees and 17% of budget is spent on security.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
• The current number of unique ac ve users of crypocurrency wallets is es mated to be between 2.9 million and 5.8 million.
• The lines between the di erent cryptocurrency industry sectors are increasingly blurred: 31% of cryptocurrency companies surveyed are opera ng across two cryptocurrency industry sectors or more, giving rise to an increasing number of universal cryptocurrency companies.
• At least 1,876 people are working full- me in the cryptocurrency industry, and the actual total  gure is likely well above two thousend when large mining organisa ons and other organiza ons that did not provide headcount  gures are added.
• Average security headcount and costs for payment companies and exchanges as a percentage of total headcount/opera ng expenses are similar, but signi cantly higher for wallets.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Michel Rauchs is a Research Assistant at the Cambridge Centre for Alterna ve Finance. Cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technologies have been the topic of his academic studies for the last two years, and his Master’s thesis visualised the evolu on of the Bitcoin business ecosystem from 2010- 2015 using a unique longitudinal dataset of 514 companies and projects. He holds a Bachelor in Economics from HEC Lausanne and recently graduated from Grenoble Ecole de Management with a Master’s degree in Interna onal Business.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Dr Garrick Hileman is a Senior Research Associate at the Cambridge Centre for Alterna ve Finance and a Researcher at the Centre for Macroeconomics. He was recently ranked
as one of the 100 most in uen al economists in the UK
and Ireland and he is regularly asked to share his research
and perspec ve with the FT, BBC, CNBC, WSJ, Sky News, and other media. Garrick has been invited to present his research on monetary and distributed systems innova on to government organisa ons, including central banks and war colleges, as well as private  rms such as Visa, Black Rock, and UBS. Garrick has 20 years’ private sector experience with both startups and established companies such as Visa, Lloyd’s of London, Bank of America, The Home Depot, and Allianz. Garrick’s technology experience includes co-founding a San Francisco-based new venture incubator, IT strategy consul ng for mul na onals, and founding MacroDigest, which employs a proprietary algorithm to cluster trending economic analysis and perspec ve.
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