We have a public wallet for that will hold and disburse all funds for the Mining for Food project. The wallet is in the care of Centurion, who is the founder and creator of EarthCoinTalk. Please visit this topic over at EarthCoinTalk for all the details -
I am hoping the I can make the first delivery on Wednesday, 22 January 2014... there is still much do... while I am sorting out the produce, we need someone to assist Trafficlearn aka James with contacting and coordinating the selected charities. Please visit the Mining for Food Project forum over at EarthCoinTalk -
Would everyone who interested in this project, please join the Mining for Food Project group at EarthCoinTalk -
And post your comments, questions and advice on the forum there, so that all the information is in one place for ease of working on this project. All the information you need about the project, the farm, about me, donations, public wallet, charities... is all there or should be there... if not... ask the questions and I will do my best to get the information as quickly as possible.
Thanks to everyone who has joined, donated, commented and contributed... this project is help those less fortunate as well promote the standing of EAC in the wider community.
On another subject... I do not want any donations for myself... I forgot that I had an EAC wallet address in my signature(which has been removed) and this person sent me 9500EAC.
Keep up the good work.
I am very, very grateful for the donation and their interest in this project, but I have sent them a PM asking them for their wallet address to return the donation. If I knew how to find the sending wallet address, I would return it immediately. So many thanks, but please... there are many projects in the EAC community that need funding, so I am asking that anyone considering sending me a donation to instead, visit EarthCoinTalk and make the donation to the charity of their choice... Thank you!!!
Just wanted to bring this post to the fore -
If I lived in the Boston, I would have been at Pete's Grill last night spending EAC... but since I can't... I am asking an EAC community member local to Pete's Grill to patronise this establishment. Thank you, TwentyGotoTen!!!
Also I am want to highlight ATXsilver's offer -
I am currently offering physical precious metals in exchange for EARTHCOIN. Have plenty of Old Morgan & Peace silver dollars, 1 oz bullion, TONS of jewelry (Gold & Silver - Including designer name brands & diamonds).
Also anything on either of my official eBay stores is available to purchase with EAC
- stores.ebay.com/ATXSilver
- stores.ebay.com/ATXWholesale
Looks as though I missed the opportunity to be the first EAC silver buyer... but I as soon as I get this posted and caught up on housekeeping... I will be placing an order with ATXsilver.
Many thanks,
EDIT - apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors.