
Topic: [ANN][ECN] eCoin {SHA-3 Security}{Universal Currency}{GPU/CPU} LAUNCHED - page 4. (Read 42731 times)

Activity: 49
Merit: 0
When will be pools?
Activity: 36
Merit: 0

I have some updates for you.

ECN Software Update:
- Fixed broken makefiles on linux
- Updated client look a bit until full redesign is complete

Service Updates:
You can now trade ECN at

New Bounties
100,000 ECN Per Pool First 1
25,000 ECN Per Pool for next 3

Block Explorer:
50,000 ECN First Block Explorer
30,000 ECN Per Explorer After that
full member
Activity: 812
Merit: 102
Hmm, this has all taken an interesting turn.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0

10,000 ECN Per Pool First 1
5000 ECN Per Pool for next 3
2000 ECN Per Pool for next 3

Block Explorer:
20,000 ECN First Block Explorer
10,000 ECN Per Explorer After that

Pool for E-coin isn't a problem for me.
But 10k from  7 000 000 000  Ecoins  - is it joke?

500k ECN - and we realize pool for E-coins. It's not a problem. PM me If you wish.
ну да, 10.000 ecn, это полчаса работы на 0.5гхш. К5opt, есть пословица, с друзьями держись всегда рядом, а врагов держи еще ближе, развитие екоина - это тоже шаг в развитии ларка...он уже как старший его брат имеет форка...
этот форк не имеет ничего своего, даже имени, поэтому вообще не представляю его "развития"...
Activity: 2
Merit: 0

10,000 ECN Per Pool First 1
5000 ECN Per Pool for next 3
2000 ECN Per Pool for next 3

Block Explorer:
20,000 ECN First Block Explorer
10,000 ECN Per Explorer After that

Pool for E-coin isn't a problem for me.
But 10k from  7 000 000 000  Ecoins  - is it joke?

500k ECN - and we realize pool for E-coins. It's not a problem. PM me If you wish.
ну да, 10.000 ecn, это полчаса работы на 0.5гхш. К5opt, есть пословица, с друзьями держись всегда рядом, а врагов держи еще ближе, развитие екоина - это тоже шаг в развитии ларка...он уже как старший его брат имеет форка...
Activity: 71
Merit: 10

10,000 ECN Per Pool First 1
5000 ECN Per Pool for next 3
2000 ECN Per Pool for next 3

Block Explorer:
20,000 ECN First Block Explorer
10,000 ECN Per Explorer After that

Pool for E-coin isn't a problem for me.
But 10k from  7 000 000 000  Ecoins  - is it joke?

500k ECN - and we realize pool for E-coins. It's not a problem. PM me If you wish.
sr. member
Activity: 459
Merit: 250
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
Also since the forum banned giveaway threads, if you put "eCoin SHA-3 Currency" and link to this thread in your signature, I'll pay you 500 ECN.  Get 250 ECN if you just put the text but no link. Post your address here after doing so.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0

10,000 ECN Per Pool First 1
5000 ECN Per Pool for next 3
2000 ECN Per Pool for next 3

Block Explorer:
20,000 ECN First Block Explorer
10,000 ECN Per Explorer After that
Activity: 36
Merit: 0

Sorry I was gone for a bit, I'm back.

I am now working on getting eCoin on cryptsy and other exchanges.

There is a bounty of 10,000 ECN for the first pool.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Hello! Here it already дело.спасибо. Now there is a hope that works are conducted and we will see that soon that so all wait.
sr. member
Activity: 520
Merit: 253
Can we have a Linux based cgminer please? Smiley

I compiled this using --disable-ztex --enable-opencl --disable-adl --enable-keccak and it works fine, 106 Mhash/s on a 5870.
Activity: 95
Merit: 10
Can we have a Linux based cgminer please? Smiley
Activity: 80
Merit: 10
i like SHA3 cause it's not very hot for videocard Wink
Hope Dev will  develop the project.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
You people declared about creation of the new coins. And myself and the rest rushed off in an unknown direction. your promises are starting to acquire the character of the Next deceit. If you really want the coin добывалась.То communicate with people. Countries wishing to produce a lot. Where you could have disappeared.? Let's raise pools , drag it to the exchange. What do you like little children.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
any exchange available?  Shocked Huh
Activity: 6
Merit: 0

Hello! YOU tell people you're going to continue to promote the eCoin? Where pools? Where is the news?announcements , releases. Why keep silent. You support. And you remain silent? Or another blah, blah, blah?If there you are working on a project that would change the design and everything else you ever communicate with the people. Will you raise or not?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
That's good idea with this coin, I think. I hope, developers wouldn't stop with it's optimization and new pools will be created!
But what next ? Have you concrete action plan? What the difference between CPL?
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
MarkoDev,why does not answer, long to wait the release of coin? And does go works are conducted in this direction?
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
So, who's mining ?
Dev, any news ?
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