The Point of Decentralization of any coin allows the freedom to spend it on what is agreeable between individuals.
We had similar discussions in the ZEIT forum, but the sticking point was Gambling not pot.
Poppies are an interesting topic , in the fact the most horrid drug know as heroin is produced from them and has ruin many lives.
Yet Morphine can also be made from poppies , and it has been used to save lives, in many medical incidents.
Alcohol although perfectly legal has destroy more lives and quality of life than all other drugs combined.
Would you also like it banned from being purchased with this coin.
If so you have to completely Centralized it and exert totalitarian control over it and its users.
You could even make the point that since people have car wrecks from speeding , that no one should be allowed to purchase a car with this coin.
(After all it is for there own good, right?)
Except for the fact , it removes freedom of choice from everyone , which would be akin to slavery, and that is never anything to aspire too.
The Final conclusion , we came too , was this , Freedom was more Important than Safety , as true happiness can only be obtained from being free and being allowed to determine your personal future.
In regards to Pot , the US Government labeled it as a gateway drug mainly to create laws to destroy your rights, that is the real reason it was made illegal.
In doing so , they gave themselves the right to search you , your home, your land , your car , all on the pretense you may be carrying Pot.
The original Founders of the US Constitution would be appalled, that Amendment IV of the Bill of rights is being violated.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Drugs laws has been used to skirt this freedom, and the seizure laws added to it are paramount to legalized theft.
War on Drugs was started by Nixxon , (He was as corrupt as they come.)
hi mate ...
your points are valid and understood ... but where did i say anything about banning anything? ...
the ENDORSEMENT of such is where im at ... i have my own reasons ( and yes - life and death situations ) that are the reason i am against drugs in so many ways - but drugs in general have always been a part of life and can help in situations of medical assistance - so there is no argument there ... in fact - a lot of those who take drugs - can argue facts and figures - when all this is is an opinionated discussion ... endorsement for me is not something i am going down - even though i back and support steven in the endeavours of crypto ... we have in fact become team members - and as such will work together in some pretty big ways ...
it ME that doesnt endorse these drugs - and i wont ... simple ...
does that mean i want anything banned? ... nup ... not at all ... money is the main 'drug' here that almost everyone requires to sustain life - so if the drug industry is one of those things that will be delved into and made money from - then i wont stand in anyones way ... i will NOT endorse the use of these drugs - but that will not mean i want it all banned ... i never mentioned once where i want it 'banned' from being bought by egc grn or btc ... not once ...
its all an individual thing - and my life experiences have shown me that these drugs - recreational or not and especially alcohol - CAN be quite destructive ... but to each their own mate ...
egc will be used to buy lots of things - especially if we can help it when we finish the shopping system on cwi ... ...
btw - nixon was the main one but the outlaw of drugs was mostly discriminatory and racist ... the chinese opium houses where the one 'taking our women' from us ( beign the bored housewives of america ) and they were all 'going to the chinamen' of the day that were allowing these women to stay in the opium dens and do what they want there ... look at the history of drugs - and see for yourselves ... the racism is started all over again now with the presidency and the 'wall building' attitudes of a society that seems to be in such an uproar - that drugs are only a small issue if any at all ...
the REAL 'silk road' for opium / poppies was the catalyst - not the reason for the war on drugs ... so many people with drug abuse issues? ... hehehe ... no more than before mate - which is why it all began ... racism - hate - and ultimately GREED for MONEY and LUST for POWER ...
it seems its more important to conjure up the racist and misogynistic attitudes - than to create peace and harmony ...
opinions are just that - opinions ... but when experience shows the cruel mistakes of history in all its forms - one would think that people learn from it ... but once again - history will continue to repeat itself ...
hence the whole reason for my initial post - the ENDORSEMENT ... its a good thing that 'society' is being much more progressive than before ... or is it? ...
eitherway - my opinions are just that - opinions ... nothing more ...
there is still a long way to go than just a price jump to make any project successful ... and i KNOW steven has a lot more up his sleeve on that front - and so have i ...
there is a lot going on - and a lot that needs to progress ... and there is little time to waste on it all ...