How would you take your own way? Please prepare briefly letter what's the 5 nearest aims. In official page can't find constructive informaton.
Thank you Devteam.
There's no such thing. I just care only for enhancement of the elementrem funtions.
First of all, I want to learn from Ethereum, capture it and apply it to Elementrem and All functions of the Ethereum also applies to Elementrem.
(Sure, As I said, I eventually plans to enter world computing & numerical analysis system. but, Believe it or not, I can’t tell you any more right now.)
Of course, I completely understand your position. I think it's selfish and I think it's morally reprehensible.
You can judge me however you want.
And I can’t simply throw out aims and hope people are complying.
Please keep watching out for elementrem github update.
I will work hard to improve your judgment batting average. It'll take time but I'll not abandon it.
Thank you for your opinion, sir!!
I think that is smart contract!!! DEV said that First of all, I want to learn from Ethereum, capture it and apply it to Elementrem and All functions of the Ethereum also applies to Elementrem. (Sure, As I said, I eventually plans to enter world computing & numerical analysis system. but, Believe it or not, I can’t tell you any more right now.)
You must understand this