Cross quote from the nxtforum:
Dividends have been paid and spreadsheets can be found below
nXtGenGHS Asset Payout - Week #8 Asset Payout - Week #8 Mining Combined Asset Payout - Week #8 Asset Payout - Week #5 have also revised the hosting costs and will be implementing them August 10, 2014.
We have also listed a new asset called nXtGenGHSA (Asset ID: 15562173353187153599 ) which is for mining contracts mid to late August 2014. Our rate for late August mining is roughly $2.18/GHS.
I will also be listing the remaining active assets we will have up this week for roughly $2.69/GHS. These will be listed on new asset ID's ( nXtGenGHS: 9312536843540017349 & EnergyGHS: 964524364158165243 ) as we will all be required to switch to these new asset's to accept the new terms.
This change was necessary in order to maintain a sustainable business model and keep mining for years to come. Our goal is to make sure our costs are covered and nothing more. If prices go up then you the client win as we will be eliminating the 3% pool and operate at 0%.
We hope to continually upgrade the equipment and increase efficiency which will reduce costs. Costs are calculated as such
GHS = $0.15/MTH
KHS = $0.005/MTH
I have it broken down in the spreadsheets and we are offering the most competitive hosting rate in the market. I hope to only improve that rate overtime as we grow and upgrade equipment.
Lastly we are announcing a new program. I have been trying to put together videos and tutorials along with other content for the community. One of the things my team and I have discussed
is the idea of offering bounties for such things. I think together we can build something that we all want to use and together it will be that much better. We will be releasing the details of this program soon. Anyone interested please PM me and we can discuss ideas.
More information klick
here Someone can earn a bounty for make a instruction video or other help.
Register to NXTFORUM and offer your help to GQM .
I have to figure out the new setup and can review it.
We all have to send our assets back and get new ones.
Read more info in the topic. I think is is also good to have links to instructions on
I offer 10k ENRG for a good instruction video.