
Topic: [ANN][EXCHANGE][LIVE], Your Gateway to the Internet of Value - page 104. (Read 321925 times)

jr. member
Activity: 296
Merit: 1
This project is what we actually need now, hopefully everything goes as planned
Activity: 96
Merit: 0
Stock exchange and so it is not a little now, I hope it will be something unique. The idea with the airdrop is very good, and even in the form of a contest. mission is to make it easy for users to find the best ICOs to join. We strive to provide useful and transparent information on ICOs, helping users find projects that have a great potential for success.
This is the most important factor that make me believe that this company is completely viable, compared to other companies that may offer, at a first glance a similar value proposition, but are in fact, only based on speculation. I hope there will be some AMA to chat with the team and learn a little bit more about people behind this project ! I will subscribe to annoucement and check news. I just pray the developers put More effort and really prove to us that not all upcoming projects out there are shits. I have really participated in some shit projects. The team is dedicated, dogged and determined and this is the caliber of people I love working with, people of vision and mission.  French projects are still rare and it is good to see that we can be part of blockchainr evolution too. It is possible for me to invest in this project even if I need to learn more about it before. Regarding the airdrop, this is a really good contest with a quite big reward, I hope you will have a lot of people trough this contest ! Thanks for that.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
We have already lived to the point that in any industry we find a large number of products based on the blockchain. And as a rule there is a tough competition, almost in all industries. Therefore, I believe that the first two aspects that any beginning project on the basis of a blockchain should pay attention to is availability of their product to all segments of the population, ease of use and, which is not unimportant: flexibility in the jurisdiction of certain countries. I think that this is the key to the success of the project. The project must coexist with the jurisdiction of any region, which will allow it to succeed in competition in the world of blockchain)
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
Oтличный пpoeкт c тaкими фyнкциями - минимaльнoe вpeмя пpocтoя, oгpaничeннoe oбcлyживaниeм или мигpaциeй. Уcтoйчивocть пpи aтaкax бoльшoгo oбъeмa или DOS. Heт тexничecкoгo дoлгa.
Пoлнocтью coвмecтимый и пpoзpaчный
Иcчepпывaющиe yчeтныe зaпиcи peгyляpнo пpoвepяютcя. Cтpeмятcя coблюдaть вce пpимeнимыe нopмы и мeждyнapoдныe зaкoны. Cлyжбa ICO coбиpaeтcя oт плaниpoвaния и пpoвeдeния кaмпaнии ICO дo пpeдocтaвлeния ликвиднocти ICO чepeз лиcтинг нa в нaчaлe ICO. Лиcтинг вaлют пocлe тexнoлoгичecкoгo пpoцecca oтбopa (ycтoйчивocть , тexничecкиe и глyбoкиe oбзopы пpoтoкoлoв). Bыcoкaя дocтyпнocть и выcoкaя мacштaбиpyeмocть, coвмecтимaя c двигaтeлeм, чтoбы пoддepживaть глyбoкyю книгy зaкaзoв нa вcex пapax. Mapкeт, лимит, cтoп-лocc, пoлyчeниe пpибыли и тpeйлинг-cтoп-зaкaзoв. Зaкaзы нa caмooтдaчy и oкoнчaниe cpoкa дeйcтвия. Cпeциaльный пepcoнaл в любoe вpeмя мoжeт oтвeчaть нa зaпpocы клиeнтoв и peшaть пpoблeмы, вoзникaющиe нa биpжe.
Пpoзpaчныe ayкциoны нecкoлькo paз в дeнь для зaгpyзки нoвыx вaлютныx pынкoв c эффeктивным мexaнизмoм oбнapyжeния цeн.
Tpeйдepы мoгyт бpaть дeньги y дpyгиx пoльзoвaтeлeй плaтфopмы или из блoкa для бoльшиx oбъeмoв.
Tpeйдepы мoгyт зaимcтвoвaть, чтoбы oткpывaть (или нeт) длинныe или кopoткиe пoзиции c гapaнтиpoвaннoй мapжoй бeзoпacнocти.

Oтличнaя вoзмoжнocть инвecтиpoвaть.
Activity: 364
Merit: 11
Great project, Congrats your team and thanks your airdrop !! Great project great team great ideas great services and great performance great experience
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
The best cryptocurrency  exchange is here that offer the best below
..... will list a careful selection of cryptocurrencies: Proof-of-Work (POW) coins such as Bitcoin, Ether or Litecoin, Proof-of-Stake (POS) coins like Qtum or Stratis, Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) coins, and other cryptographic protocols yet to be designed and minted.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
This project is very good project next Bitcoin I think everyone should invest in it I personally invest in it this will give a huge return to every member so this project has the potential to go on moon the team is very good and well experienced so take part in the ico of block this is the revolution project, good luck with your project.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0 is in my opinion the most promising and ambitions crypto-exchange project of this year (or even more). Next months will be the time when blockchain technology shows its real interest to the mass people online, and its real concrete use in several activities. is going to be one of the main actors of this gain of trust in the eyes of people everywhere in the world. Indeed, with its intelligent and secure exchange system, will "democratize" the crypto-exchange and trading. In this blockchain and decentralized technology, a lot of problems are settled. In the past, companies needed to store files and have access to processing power for applications with a wide network bandwidth to adapt to daily use. Now, the Blockchain is introducing the second iteration of the computational structure. Through a distributed ledger system, Blockchain has created computational networks that are secure, immutable and democratic. This could lead to non-hackable web programs and services, transparent networks and greater system reliability. It is important that new projects come to renew and evolve every day the idea by which the chain of blocks was created. It is very promising, and i give a very big support to this project. Stay tuned for the future guys.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Great project, Congrats your team and thanks your airdrop
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
Liquidity allows you to make quick trading operations with tokens on the crypto-market which makes this project a fantastic one! The team is also strong and the plans look well coordinated.,.
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
The project, as it is said, is the gateway to the Internet of Value. It is an European cryptocurrency exchange that offers decentralized settlement and liquidity services. Is is built on Paymium's proven security and technological record. will serve as a cryptocurrency exchange with advance trading and security features, designed to protect customers digital assets and other investments. It will engender the safe and regulated adoption of cryptocurencies.
It will offer Fair-exchange Protocols, allowing atomic swap with no need for a third party. It will also offer listing services for selected tokens for quality projects. It is also bringing on the table ICO services for selected campaigns.
The project is driven by a focused and experienced team, led by Pierre Noizat as the founder and Chief Executive Officer. Pierre Noizat is presently the Chief Executive Officer of Paymium, a company he cofounded in 2011. Paymium is one of the pioneer cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. The team also boast of other members who are all highly experienced and resourceful. The team is complemented by some respectable and renowned advisers. has already gone into some partnership with notable companies like Paymium, Newfund, Dentsu, Avolta Partners and Kima Ventures. It promises to be a big and a great project.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
This is an amazing project, When I read your white sheet, I was totally delighted with how this would change our life. I think that it depends on each of us. We must support the community. The old system separated people from each other. The blockchain unites the whole world in a community where each of us is valuableAbsolutely brilliant founding team, tons of experience in the financial space, humble founders. as the leading exchange in the Internet of Value will enable users to trade across all these value networks. Patiently answering each and every question from investors is no mean feat, but these guys do it with detailed answers too!Very successful! If you haven't joined yet  do it now. In’s vision the Internet of Value is the next level of evolution of the Internet. The internet of value enables users to securely trade assets, rights, goods and services, globally and around the clock, without the involvement of a centralized authority, or traditional financial intermediaries, or so called ‘trusted’ third-parties.

The Internet of value is built on multiple decentralized, automated, transparent, and secure blockchain-based value networks. Different networks operate different versions of the blockchain, which in turn are fueled by different cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, or Litecoin. Each network meets the needs of certain types of transactions, such as high-value payments or title registry, or the needs of specific trading communities, such as a network of autonomous objects or an industry sector!!!

This is really great airdrop don't miss it guys. so guys go for it don't miss it. you will know this project will boom in future I know its real and legit working project so guys come to join it. When I read your white sheet, I was totally delighted with how this would change our life. I think that it depends on each of us. We must support the community. The old system separated people from each other. The blockchain unites the whole world in a community where each of us is a valuableAbsolutely brilliant founding team, tons of experience in the financial space, humble founders. I hope the project will develop well and will be on the moon. Good luck to your team. I will support the project wholeheartedly.... This is a geart project because it help to bring a fair exchange to users, as well as decrease risk for them. A system completely decentralized like the internet itself. It is not money for the internet but the internet of money! I also think this is nice project and strong team, i hope the project will develop well in the future. I know the project thanks to the posts in my group They appreciate your project and I believe in that
Activity: 1
Merit: 0

In’s vision the Internet of Value is the next level of evolution of the Internet. The internet of value enables users to securely trade assets, rights, goods and services, globally and around the clock, without the involvement of a centralized authority, or traditional financial intermediaries, or so called ‘trusted’ third-parties.

The Internet of value is built on multiple decentralized, automated, transparent, and secure blockchain-based value networks. Different networks operate different versions of the blockchain, which in turn are fueled by different cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, or Litecoin. Each network meets the needs of certain types of transactions, such as high-value payments or title registry, or the needs of specific trading communities, such as a network of autonomous objects or an industry sector. as the leading exchange in the Internet of Value will enable users to trade across all these value networks.

Cryptocurrency Exchanges Enable Users to Navigate the Internet of Value

Cryptocurrency exchanges enable users to trade across multiple value networks powered by heterogeneous blockchains.

As the number of cryptocurrencies grows, cryptocurrency exchanges become the marketplaces for listing and trading cryptocurrencies. In the current context, users mainly buy cryptocurrencies as a store of value, in anticipation of a future value increase. As exchanges list multiple cryptocurrencies in one place, supply information about them, enable comparisons, and set bid/ask prices according to demand, they help separate the valuable cryptocurrencies from the useless ones. Investors become increasingly discriminate in their choices of cryptocurrencies as a store of value or as a utility token.

As technological and regulatory barriers to the Internet of value will be lifted, cryptocurrencies and decentralized value networks will gain mainstream acceptance. To trade on these different networks, users will need to buy multiple digital currencies and to exchange them as their needs evolve.
Activity: 221
Merit: 0
The centralized part of the exchange offers highly secure custody services with cold storage and cryptographic proof of reserve.
Cryptocurrencies are held in cold storage (offline) for at least 98% of reserves.

A cold wallet access requires multiple signatures. 

A cold wallet private key is split and held in a number of different vaults in multiple 

Other in-house security processes and technological features.
Internal procedures protect the exchange from social engineering attacks. 
Periodic technical audits and timestamped logs allow detection of any tampering 
attempts in the accounting database.
Periodic financial audits verify that the inventory of coins (assets side) matches the 
records of liabilities with cryptographic proof. If the exchange’s customer balances are checked against a blockchain inventory of coins (utxos in Bitcoin language) every block interval, there is little or no room for a rogue intruder to alter database records with profit.
Decentralized settlement relies on fair-exchange protocols allowing atomic swaps of cryptocurrencies to eliminate the counter-party risk inherent to a custodial exchange.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
The platform will combine the new-generation technology of a centralized custodial exchange with decentralized “trustless” cross-chain “fair exchange” settlement. The centralized cryptocurrency exchange will be a low-latency, full-featured exchange with custody services, centralized order booking, and efficient order matching.

Paymium will be Europe's first Bitcoin Exchange. Besides the manifold exchange opportunities the project will also offering liquidity services to assist ICO campaigns and ICO listings, which is another great business field.

Based on all these useful functionality and the expertise I think that this will be a very successful project in 2018 and a good opportunity to invest. The marketing is going in the right direction as well with the very common logo which is common for Europe and stays as well for secureness.

I really recommend to have a closer look into the project; read the white paper to get familiar with all the planned functionality, roadmap and so on.
The platform will combine the new-generation te
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
Hi All .this is a leading cryptocurrency and ICOs portal project will be successful.I believe so.Its HOTness is spreading all over my country 
I also participated in the bonus campaign.Whether you are already involved with ICO or other cryptocurrencies or just want to get into it.a new chance to invest.let's see what will happen in september 2018. crypto is the future .lets hope for the best.this is the time to support good project like this.hope we will have good future ahead.all the best
Activity: 122
Merit: 10

Your Gateway to the Internet of Value:

A platform Built on Paymium’s proven security and technological record. A high level of digital asset protection and safe record of transactions.Built on fair-exchange protocols enabling cryptocurrency atomic swaps to mitigate counter-part risk.Advisory and technology services to execute third-party ICOs. New listing and market making services to foster enhanced token liquidity.

This project is rated 4.8/5 on
The team is a group of core and seasoned professionals with years of experience in digital currency trading and development.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
enjoyed this project. I hope the project will develop well and will be on the moon. Good luck to your team. I will support the project wholeheartedly.... This is a geart project because it help to bring a fair exchange to users, as well as decrease risk for them. A system completely decentralized like the internet itself. It is not money for the internet but the internet of money! I also think this is nice project and strong team, i hope the project will develop well in the future. I know the project thanks to the posts in my group They appreciate your project and I believe in that
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Great Project! good work so far! hope to hear some more good news !
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Thank you very much for this very interesting post and your exciting project. It must be said that crypto-currencies are a very new type of Financial instrument that can be sometime misleading for new investors. I believe that the real question, as for any investment in a Financial product, is "what is the underlying asset made for" or "what is the actual value proposition of this company". In the case of, we have a real vision, a strong leader (well established in the crypto-world) as well as a real team of professionals, and the Financial strength to support such a project. offers new forms of financial liquidity to companies that want to raise money for their startup project. At the end of the day, we are talking about real value creation (as new startup companies create products, services and jobs). This is the most important factor that make me believe that this company is completely viable, compared to other companies that may offer, at a first glance a similar value proposition, but are in fact, only based on speculation (as no actual service or products are linked to it). In the next future, I believe that a significant part of these cryptocurrencies (that are created every day at an unimaginable speed), will disappear due to this lack of real utility, which is not the case of As a conclusion, I believe that has a great future and I will certainly keep an eye on it for quite some time.
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