
Topic: [ANN][EXCHANGE][LIVE], Your Gateway to the Internet of Value - page 111. (Read 321925 times)

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
At a first glace it looks great, though I'm not sure if I catch the drift of being the DEX pet project of paymium. I understand these are very different models, which is fine, but how exactly a DEX can promise legal compliance? These two generally go together like milk and lactose intolerance.

If it's just the settlement that is decentralized (which is my understanding of how it's meant to work), bcio will have hard time differentiating itself from already established exchanges. That would make it significantly too centralized to be listed among DEX exchanges, and at the same time we already have some hundred fifty centralized exchanges, some of which are already legally compliant. Not saying it's not possible to one-up vast majority of them, since some of the top 20 exchanges are pretty new, bcio definitely has a shot at joining them if the project is executed succesfully. It would have some advantages of a DEX, while having the compliance of a centralized exchange. It is a major selling point to some. Stuff like p2p lending also seems great on paper.
That said, good luck in either case. Looking forwards to checking it out. The team has people with impressive background, so I'm sure in the long run exchange will turn out fine.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Блoк-цeпoчкa пpeдcтaвляeт coбoй дeцeнтpaлизoвaнный, pacпpeдeлeнный и oбщeдocтyпный цифpoвoй peгиcтp, кoтopый иcпoльзyeтcя для зaпиcи тpaнзaкций нa мнoгиx кoмпьютepax, тaк чтo зaпиcь нe мoжeт быть измeнeнa peтpoaктивнo бeз измeнeния вcex пocлeдyющиx блoкoв и кoнceнcyca ceти. [1] [30] Этo пoзвoляeт yчacтникaм coвepшaть oпepaции пo пpoвepкe и ayдитe тpaнзaкций нeдopoгo. [31] Бaзa дaнныx блoкнocтeй yпpaвляeтcя aвтoнoмнo c иcпoльзoвaниeм oднopaнгoвoй ceти и pacпpeдeлeннoгo cepвepa вpeмeннoй oтмeтки. Oни ayтeнтифициpyютcя пyтeм мaccoвoгo coтpyдничecтвa, ocнoвaннoгo нa кoллeктивныx личныx интepecax [32]. Peзyльтaтoм являeтcя нaдeжный paбoчий пpoцecc, в кoтopoм нeoпpeдeлeннocть yчacтникoв в oтнoшeнии бeзoпacнocти дaнныx нeзнaчитeльнa. Иcпoльзoвaниe блoчнoй цeпи ycтpaняeт xapaктepиcтикy бecкoнeчнoй вocпpoизвoдимocти из цифpoвoгo aктивa. Oн пoдтвepждaeт, чтo кaждaя eдиницa cтoимocти былa пepeдaнa тoлькo oдин paз, peшaя дaвнюю пpoблeмy двoйныx pacxoдoв. Блoк-цeпи были oпиcaны кaк пpoтoкoл oбмeнa cтoимocтью. [21] Этoт oбмeн цeлeнaпpaвлeннoй cтoимocтью мoжeт быть выпoлнeн быcтpee, бeзoпacнee и дeшeвлe, чeм в тpaдициoнныx cиcтeмax. [33] Блoк-цeпoчкa мoжeт нaзнaчaть пpaвa пpaв, пocкoлькy пpи пpaвильнoй нacтpoйкe для дeтaлизaции coглaшeния oб oбмeнe oн пpeдocтaвляeт зaпиcь, кoтopaя зacтaвляeт пpeдлaгaть и пpинимaть. [34] [35]
Activity: 69
Merit: 0
Exchanges will be the marketplaces where cryptocurrencies will be traded against each other and with fiat currencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges will form the bridges between blockchains powered by Bitcoin, Ether and other cryptographic protocols' Incisive article on the evolution of money by Pierre Noizat. Blockchain technology has come to stay as the frenzy is catching every industry practitioner and no one wants to be left behind with the array of ICO going on now and lots of cryptocurrencies in the market and exchanges too. I believe that cryptocurrencies will do to banks what mobile phone did to postal service. All thanks to the man Nakamoto.
sr. member
Activity: 324
Merit: 250
Hello, I have checked your website. The advisory board is awesome and very professional, however, I don't find the core team capable to achieve their goal. There are no experienced blockchain developers at all. You claim like Paymium exist since the 2011 and it is secure (hack proof), I bet it is with the 24k USD volume, who will be interested to hack it? Also, you claim it is profitable. How can it be profitable with such volume of trading?

I would like to know what are key features of your exchange compared to the existent ones or the ones under development? Thanks u.
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Getting aware about is just a chance of being among the winners. I'm simply impressed about the set persons they have as a team. I'm looking forward to seeing this project arriving. I love
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
Enjoyed this project. I really see this a great opportunity for crypto investors. I hope community will the project successfully. I equally enjoin all and sundry in world of crypto currencies to equally invest in this must succeed project. I found the team very strong, professional, have heart with the project, I believe in the near future this project will work well
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Enjoyed this project. I really see this a great opportunity for crypto investors. I hope community will the project successfully. I equally enjoin all and sundry in world of crypto currencies to equally invest in this must succeed project. I found the team very strong, professional, have heart with the project, I believe in the near future this project will work well
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
very awesome content you got here! Thanks!
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
In a globalized world the need to transfer and track money easily is critical. Platforms like will make it possible for billions of Internet users to exchange value as fast as information is exchanged today in a safe way in compliance with international regulations giving certainty to more conservative investors that have refrained from entering the cryptocurrency space until now. aims to become the marketplace where cryptocurrencies can be traded against each other in a scalable and cost-effective way to promote mass adoption. To achieve this team has detected the main issues that needed to be solved like security breaches, non-compliance, opacity and outages to offer a safe environment for traders. The solutions to these problems are based on robust and proven technology and protocols.
The option of peer-to-peer lending is very interesting because it gives the chance to traders to become lenders and earn interest on borrowed funds. Short and long traders can benefit from coin volatility by borrowing funds that will be returned with the corresponding interest in an automated way.
In a time where countless startups offer services for cryptocurrency trading a serious company comprised of experts with a known trajectory in the sector is a big differentiator.
Activity: 252
Merit: 18
I’m impressed with’s concept of the ‘internet of value’! A decentralised type exchange for vetted cryptotokens with atomic swaps and other advanced trading features, and also a place to exchange other digital things of value. Interesting project and ICO!
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Looking at the features put in place by the team of this great project and the potential benefits to be enjoyed by the investors or users, I have no doubt that this project will be successful. It features highly experienced professionals in their various field who cooperate to ensure the project soar to the top in the crypto-economy system.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
#Your Gateway to the internet of value.
A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network.
Great go ahead.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Hi, it's a pleasure to be able to say something positive about this project. We can see that in the past lexistian a number of problems to make value transactions on the Internet, there were no viable platforms to make purchases of any kind, it took a long time to complete any type of operations. bitcoin is born to shorten these limitations and meet the needs of this market that grew exponentially.

A large network of structured work were doing technological work that shortened the time and bureaucracy that these centralized systems needed. As time went by, large investors bet on projects that generated great profits over time. However, today there is an infinite number of projects that in one way or another do not meet the standards of the initial proposal, mainly due to the founders of these projects. I like the proposal that Blockchain brings to the market since they have a large group of work also dictate forums, interviews, seminars among others, to publicize this product. I am excited to participate, I will be very aware of social networks
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Hello! is very good and awesome project! as the leading exchange in the Internet of Value will enable users to trade across all these value networks. Regular updates and publications will inform platform stakeholders and the community through altcoin technical reviews and financial analyses. will provide ICO campaign support and token listing services to assist entrepreneurs and technologists in the planning and execution of their fundraising campaigns. is driven by the highly experienced team of cryptocurrency experts who, seven years ago, founded Paymium, a fiat/bitcoin exchange catering to the underserved Euro market. shares Paymium’s highest security, reliability, and accountability standards. It strives to overcome the shortcomings of rival crypto exchanges that have repeatedly caused severe losses for issuers and token holders. To achieve this, the team relies on its advanced knowledge of cryptographic technology, its operational in-depth understanding of the crypto world, and a strong company culture committed to security and compliance. will list a careful selection of cryptocurrencies: Proof-of-Work (POW) coins such as Bitcoin, Ether or Litecoin, Proof-of-Stake (POS) coins like Qtum or Stratis, Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) coins, and other cryptographic protocols yet to be designed and minted. I hope that it will be successful! Good luck team!
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
hello to everyone in the community, I am very interested in this type of technological project as it is Blockchain I think it is a well structured group with well defined goals, projects like this always have to be very aware as they usually enter the markets so strong. for my part, I congratulate you for the great interest you have in bringing a whole system of virtual currencies, exchange sites, social networks, big investors, who tend to be more cautious due to the little interest that the projects have after reaching a goal, let's hope they keep working.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0


jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 3
An interesting project is quite functional: minimal downtime, limited service or migration. Resilience when attacking a large volume or DOS. No technical debt, fully compatible & transparent.
Exhaustive accounts are regularly checked. They strive to act in accordance with all norms and international laws. ICO is going to plan and run the ICO campaign to provide ICO liquidity through listing on at the beginning of ICO. Listing of currencies after the technological selection process (stability, technical and in-depth reviews of protocols). High availability and high scalability, compatible with the engine to support a deep book of orders on all pairs. Market, limit, stop-loss, profit making and trailing-stop orders. Order for self-help and expiration. Qualified staff at any time can respond to customer requests and solve the problems that arise on the stock exchange.
Transparent auctions several times a day to get new currency markets with an effective pricing mechanism.
Traders can borrow to open long or short positions with a guaranteed margin of safety. Traders can also take money from other platform users or from a blockchain block for large volumes.
I wish you all the success in working on the project!
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
Fantastic project and a wonderful team Cool
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
This is an important project, of great importance in what is about the cryptomonedas, in this case, the tokens. There should be other projects like this and even, there are other initiatives in this regard that allow the best use of the tokens that are presented daily to the public. A great initiative that must be greatly supported
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