yes . FAC go to moon!!!
and beyond
This goin looks good until you reach 2 key part for a cryptocoin:
First big problem - The distribution:
There is no fair distribution in this world: PoW, IPO, IP based distributions, they are all unfair.
Still PoW can be fair because if a programmer hardcode an Epoch time in the coin's source with a newspaper headline then everybody will know there were no premine by the creator.
The fair means that the original creator can't use his power to get a lot of unfair benefit, how the coin will be distributed between the miners that is not important after that.
The IPO and IP distritbutions can be fair too, if you do it in a transparent way, so you keep track all the incoming Bitcoins and give the same percent ammount of Altcoin to the investors.
See how the faircoin developer did: He made a website with a token system, then shared a pdf with the website visitors statistics.
Now this is nothing. You can have 100 000 visitor without any signup and you can have 50 000 visitor with 50 000 signup.
And he could fake this spreadsheet if he wanted.
Just ask one question to yourself? Is there anything what would kept this faircoindev back to signup with 25 000 address and keep half of the coins for himself?
Now with singup I don't mean manual signup with the token system, he owned the website and the database too. He could generate 25 000 address in 5 minutes then inject it to the database.
He could even make the counter on the site to count the signups twice as normal, so there wouldn't be a big 25 000 up on the numbers.
Many of you said for this problem that all of you got their coins, where if only 25 000 000 was given away to the public then all of the registrators got their coins, just the signup period was closed much before because this faircoin guy kept half of the coins.
I don't say he kept the half of the coins, but he could, he could do it very easy, if he wasn't dumb enough he did it.
This is a very big problem, and the community will never accept such a coin to grow big. Even if the creator would share a nice spreadsheat which conatins all the 50 000 signup's IP address, that can be a fake too, its not hard to fake something like that.
Second problem - Still have PoW mining:
This coin still have some PoW mining, though you can only mine the transaction fees. But the hashrate is very low,
anybody with a bigger hashrate can fork the coin and make a 51% attack.
You don't need to own half of the coins, you can make a fork with only 1 PoW block.
I don't hate Faircoin just want to open your eyes, for that matter I bought a few faircoins and sold them all with nice profit, but still this coin has no future.
The analysis of the good