Today was a bad day for me...and i want the share this stuff whit you maybe u think twice before you invest in coins! Im in footy by couple months and i buy it 35k coins thinking to set up 7 MN! I try to use Fred video but im not a tech guy , im not very good in this staff and i ask (normally) Footy for help(hes 1 dev) and he send me to daniel224king(hes second one). Daniel never use skype or teamwiew (he said he had some resons) so he try to explain me typing! In 2 hours i didnt manage to set up MN so i got pissed and went to bed thinking to finish whit FOOTY coins and to sell them all!( what can you do when u have coins and u cant make profit whit them?). I put order for sell today and 2 guys from slack told me not to sell this coins because they will help me to set up this MNs! One of them its adz7 hes full member in bitcointalk and because of this guy i trust in second one named serapiek (username skype Joey Dos santos from Spain, barcelona). So i went to skype whit this serapiek to set up MNs and he hacked me by 30.000 footy coins! Footy said sorry for my lost and daniel224king dont reply to my problem!
I want to ask... Where its my mistake here? All of this will happened if dev give me more support whit this MNs(in DigitalPrice they set me up 3 Mn in 1 hours whit teamwiew?
Hi Pacimaker,
Sorry to hear your loss.
I suggested that other members of the community would be able to help, and it seems seraphiek took advantage of this trust by offering to help and therefore 'stealing' your coins.
One question, how did he steal your coins? did you give him your private key? did you allow him control of your computer?
If you did any of the above, then that is how he 'hacked' you from your coins.
U should shut the fak up...the only reason i accept that guy to help me its because of support him and told me to go in skype to made those MNs
adz7 [4:13 PM]
ok, seraphiek has skype/teamviewer, perhaps we can help that way
seraphiek [4:13 PM]
or on each server
or on 1 server
adz7 [4:14 PM]
don't worry about typing, seraphiek has skype/teamviewer
seraphiek [4:14 PM]
or discord
prefer discord
adz7 [4:15 PM]
@pacimaker do you use discord? more secure than skype
Hope u the best moron! I guess u split my coins!