Price is dumped, seller want to sell soon so they dump. Result miner leave FC pool to mine new coin. This coin will die soon by NXT-e.
don't blame NXT-e for low prices. Blame dumping sellers, or blame reuluctant buyers, but not the exchange.
Buyers are reluctant because of the exchange (in the first place), making the price to drop to the unrealistic lowest buy rate. So yes, it's the exchange fault, dumpers are second in the list. No support, no value.
I mean look at this exchange not sure if it got 1 BTC volume for all listed coins all together. Add to that the highly manipulated process of Nxte, they created some FC out of thin air, to fix the coin value (Ponzy anyone?).
My advise? don't go there and don't use NXTe as a referral for the coin value.