Why are you doing this?
This is a cheat people! Private Investor? We are working behind the scenes on our gaming platform.
No wait, I misunderstood. You thought fuck it, lets just steal their name because their project was delayed?
Be a man and change your project. We already registered Cryptoken as an international brand. You should google us and our little usb stick
hahaaa pmsl really we' took your name your a company yes we seen if that really is you posting that is . but just remember 1 where is your coin oh yea you don't have one have you seen your thread i would say a lot more than delayed as i just checked it we used the name becuase thats what jumped to us at the time and NO we will not change it. you wish to get all technical then do it please do. We could not care less about your your name or your products we ARE CYT CrypToken you are CRYP and like i said no coin so not really took your name have we So how have we copied. grow the hell up you lil school boy fudding.
AND WE WILL BE REGISTERING OUR OWN SITE name cryptoken or cryptokenz Soon Also
Look forward to the lawsuit
![Lips sealed](
PS our genesis block was made last month so who stealing who's stuff
GMT: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 22:00:12 GMT
And the coins are being distributeed FREELY so hardly CHEAT PEOPLE now are we